chapter 20

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Previous: You know that's not what I'm talking about."

He glanced up and saw Shachi standing in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest. The younger man's expression was dead sober and tense. Law studied his face for a couple of seconds, feeling as though he'd never seen someone looking at him like that before. Shachi didn't speak a word to him; he merely stood there, watching Law. It was clear he was waiting for an answer from him, though he couldn't guess what kind of answer the other one expected.

"What do you want to hear then?" Law snapped, his eyes narrowed.

Shachi kept his gaze for a couple of seconds before letting out a loud sigh and closing his eyes. "I know you're trying to hide it, but everyone has already noticed that there's something troubling you." Again, Shachi placed both of his hands on Law's shoulder to show the other man that he was willing to listen to him. Law took the comforting gesture wordlessly.

"Actually," Law started to speak after a few seconds passed and moved his right hand up, running his tattooed fingers through his own soft, black hair. "It may sound stupid, but... I honestly don't know it myself..."

Of course Law knew that he was everything but fine at the moment, but he couldn't quite name what it was that messed with his head so much. There was some kind of numbness inside him that started to concern him. A certain numbness that felt like it only got stronger the more Law tried to ignore it.

Shachi held him an arm's length away and studied the other man's face. "You weren't like this last week, so it has to do with something that happened over the weekend."

There was this strange, disgusting feeling in the pit of Law's stomach again. He moved his eyes up to stare coldly at the man in front of him. "I'd rather not talk about it."

Shachi studied him for a short moment longer, and for once he didn't flinch beneath the force of Law's cool, intense gaze. He broke the touch after a few more seconds. "You're not doing yourself a favor with that attitude. Come one, Law. I can keep a secret, you know that."

Law seriously had to stop himself from laughing at the last sentence, because if there was someone who would spill a secret at any given chance it'd be Shachi. Whenever you told this guy something it'd take less than a day for the entire hospital staff and even half of the patients to know about it. It had been clear from the beginning that Shachi enjoyed interrogating other people a little too much. However, than man had a head thicker than an iron door. There was no way he'd just drop the entire subject, no matter how much Law told him that he didn't want to talk about it.

"Okay," Law said, inhaling deeply. "But promise me not to laugh."

"I promise." Shachi replied sternly, but he was already biting the corner of his bottom lip gently to prevent himself from grinning. That bastard.

"It's a little crazy, I don't really know where to start." He seriously didn't know it. His whole time with Luffy had been the hardest challenge of his life. Actually speaking about it with someone he considered a friend was a completely different level.

"We all have crazy stories about what happened last weekend, don't worry!" Shachi hit Law playfully with his hand on the other's back, earning a glare from the tall man that he just ignored. "But you can skip the part about that bombshell that sucked you off. Penguin already told me that."

Law quickly slapped his hand over Shachi's mouth to prevent him from saying one more word as he turned his head from one side to the other, frantically checking if there was someone close to them who had just heard what the younger man had said. "For fuck's sake, we're at work! Don't say anything and I'll tell you what happened, okay?" Fortunately, they were the only ones on the hallway which meant that nobody had heard Shachi nor would anyone hear what Law was just about to say.

Shachi just nodded his head, unable to say anything else as Law still had his tattooed hand over his mouth. After hesitantly moving his hand away from the other man's mouth, Law waited a few seconds to collect his thoughts and then decided to tell him everything.

He told him how he'd woken up next to Luffy for the first time, excluding the part where he had found out that he had a ring on his finger. He told him how he had spent the day with Luffy - or rather, tried to survive it. He told him basically everything, what they'd done together, how he had to pay for everything, how they had gone separate ways in the end...

"Hold on a second, repeat the last part!" Shachi demand with a loud voice, looking rather shocked as he spoke.

Law raised a dark eyebrow. "Well, we got out of the train and-"

"No, no, no!" Shachi moved his arms wildly around. "I mean the part before that!"

"He made me eat a sandwich?"


There was an unreadable emotion in Shachi's eyes that Law felt a bit confused about. The other man's breathing was shallow, his lips trembling slightly. He managed to keep his gaze on Law for a few seconds before slowly dropping it to the ground, looking at what seemed to be nothing.

After a few seconds he started to speak again. "...And here I always thought..." Shachi's breathing increased and he swallowed something that was stuck in his throat. "...that this day would never come..."

Law rolled his eyes and blew a strand of short black hair out of his face, not really understanding why everyone was always so overly dramatic about his relationship with bread.

Suddenly, Shachi snapped out of his trance and grabbed Law by his shoulders, making him look at him straight into the eyes. "Listen Law, I believe I know fully well what's wrong with you."

Law couldn't help but feel more and more annoyed with every second that passed. Why couldn't the other man just say it right away instead of acting like an idiot?

"This boy, Luffy was his name, right? " Shachi said and paused as he waited for Law's nod. When Law nodded, the other man continued. "Would you have liked to spend more time with him in Dressrosa?"

"Of course not, that would have been torture!" The twenty-six-year old couldn't help but raise his voice a little bit. Spending more time with Luffy sounded like the perfect euphemism of hell itself.

However, Shachi didn't seem to be impressed by Law's behavior or words. "Law, listen, you sometimes like to deny certain things about your feelings-"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Law was seriously not in the mood for these games Shachi seemed to be playing with him. "I'm not denying anything. Look, I am glad that all of this is finally over and-"

"Then why do you act all strange?" Shachi demanded to know, his own voice increasing in volume as well. They had to keep it down if they didn't want to get caught arguing about something as trivial as this.

"I don't-"

"May I remind you that you've just instructed Penguin to kill an innocent lady?"

To be continued...

(This is where our chapter ends. Thankyou for reading and i hope you guys liked it)

Word count 1276

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