chapter 18

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Previous: Law closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat. "Yeah," he started. "It was..." He swallowed hard. "...good."

When they arrived at their destination it was already night. There were hardly any people at the train station, considering how late and dark it was. Besides, the train station was most certainly not a place where you wanted to hang out at such an hour.

Law knew where Penguin was waiting for him to pick him up and he had initially wanted to run right to his friend.


"Luffy," Law started to speak as they both walked next to each other into the direction of the train station's exit. "Shall I take you home? My friend won't complain about giving you a ride, too."

Honestly, he didn't know why he offered Luffy such a thing. A few days ago he would have sworn that by the time they got home again, Law would literally sprint away from the boy by his side as fast as he could. But now he didn't like the thought of Luffy leaving all by himself. He didn't even call someone to pick him up and that thought was a troubling one.

Luffy looked at Law for a few seconds before grinning. "Na, it's alright." He moved his hands behind his head. "I live five minutes away from here, you really don't need to do that."

Suddenly, Luffy cocked his head a little to the left and nudged Law's side with his elbow. "You're worried about me, aren't you?"

Law furrowed his eyebrows. He made a little 'Tsk' sound and broke the eye contact with Luffy, looking straight ahead instead. "Of course not." He lied.

They kept walking next to each other with neither of them saying one word. Luffy was grinning like a fool the whole time and Law tried his best to ignore that weird feeling in his stomach. And that feeling was most definitely not caused by the sandwich from earlier. They exited the building and Law immediately felt the cold wind blowing right into his face.

"Sooo," Luffy started and now Law noticed that his voice sounded a little odd. The excited tone from earlier was suddenly gone and Luffy was obviously searching for the right words to say. "I've got to head into that direction." Luffy pointed his finger at a small, dark street in front of them. That uneasy feeling in Law's stomach grew noticeably. "Thanks for the weekend." It was unusual for Luffy to sound so... serious. And Law had to admit - He didn't like it one bit.

He was still staring at the dark street Luffy had pointed at just a few moments ago and thus didn't even notice the younger man moving closer to him, placing his small arms around Law's waist and embracing him.

"Sorry for all the trouble I caused you..." Luffy buried his face in Law's chest and muttered the words into the fabric of Law's jacket. Law felt his heartbeat increasing at the words. He tried to come up with something clever to say in response, but his mind was completely blank.

Law closed his eyes and decided to listen to what his instincts told him. He moved his arms around Luffy as well and embraced the teenager even tighter.

It was ridiculous. This wasn't like him. This wasn't like him at all. Law never hugged other people like that and it made him wonder how much he had changed because of Luffy.

They stayed like that for a while, simply enjoying their last moment together. Because Law knew, once he let go of the younger boy he would be gone forever. And the mere thought of it made Law feel horrible.

After a few minutes they parted, neither of them sure who exactly made the step and let go first. Law's heart was beating wildly against his ribcage.

"Goodbye.." Luffy said in a very low voice that sounded nothing like the voice Law was used to. Law tried to say goodbye as well, but he couldn't find his voice. He just kept staring at Luffy who slowly turned around and walked away from him.

Something inside Law's head screamed for him to run after Luffy, to stop him in his tracks and to hug him once again. He didn't know why, but the fact that he was alone right now made him feel something he had never felt before. And Law couldn't ignore how frightening it was.

He continued standing there, watching Luffy walking farther and farther away from him. It was only a matter of seconds until Luffy would disappear from Law's view forever.

Suddenly, when Luffy was almost too far away from Law to see him clearly, he turned his head to look at Law from over his shoulder. Luffy smiled a little when he saw Law still standing there, watching him. He moved his right hand up and waved one last time at the tall man. Law froze right on the spot. No matter what Luffy did, even if it was just an innocent action like that - It made him feel incredibly strange. The taller man gulped and raised his hand as well, waving back at Luffy until he couldn't see him anymore.

And it didn't take a long time for Luffy to disappear completely into the darkness.

Law kept standing there, even though he didn't really know why. He should go to where Penguin was waiting for him, but... There was definitely a voice in his head telling him to continue standing there.

Minutes passed and he didn't know how long he stood there, staring into the direction where Luffy had gone.

Law took a deep breath. If Luffy really lived only five minutes away from this place, then he should be home by now. There was no need for Law to think about him anymore.

He glanced at the dark and empty street one last time before he began to walk off, intending to find Penguin as soon as possible. He looked up at the sky as he walked.

The sky was clear but it was unusually cold tonight.

To be continued...

(This is where our chapter ends. Thankyou for reading and I hope you all liked it )

Word count 1046

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