🩸New Name (pt.44)🩸

Start from the beginning

She lifted his lip up just a little higher so I could see. Two tiny dull fangs rooted up in his gums, barely visible.

Tears filled her eyes before spilling out, she held him tight to her chest, kissing the top of his bare head over and over. His cries stopped in her arms.

Maybe it was at that moment I knew they would have a special relationship once he got older.

"Aww, bubby," I rubbed her back lovingly and she sunk down in the covers next to me.

"He's so perfect," she whispered through tears.

Melanie poked her head through the door. She had been waiting outside with the babysitter during the birth.

"Come here, lovely," I put my arms out with a yawn.

Melanie ran up to me, filled with way too much energy as she climbed onto the bed, giggling. She fell into my arms, and I let out a wheeze.

Cleo wiped her tears with a small sniffle. "Gentle with your mother, yes?"
She quickly nodded.

I smiled as I tucked my head into Cleo's side. She ran her fingers through my hair.

"Did you know newborns have no kneecaps? Just cartilage."
"Oh, enlighten me, Cleo," I snorted.

I could feel her warm smile against me as she kissed my head. Cleo was the type to do excessive research on something, like a current obsession.

"Knee..." Melanie stuttered. She was constantly picking up new words, repeating us. She slapped her kneecap.

"That's right, baby." Cleo told her.

"Mama, home?" She tilted her head at Cleo, settling down next to me.

She handed the baby back to me, and I held him to my chest. He didn't cry, he simply let out small snorts and coos.

"Soon, baby," Cleo answered with a small sigh.
"Home!" She giggled.
"Mm, quiet down a bit. Let your mother rest, honey."

Melanie lightly bounced on the bed.

"You're going to go home with the babysitter, lovely, remember?" I looked at her.

I held my hand out for Cleo, and she handed me a small box with a small pink bow on the top. Inside was a teddy bear covered with colorful tissue paper.

"Open this when you get home, okay?" I said. It would give her something to look forward to, something to tell her we'd be home soon, too.

A smile lit up her face as she grabbed it from me.

"Can you say 'bye'? 'Bye-bye!'" I smiled.
"Bye!" She cheered.

And with that, Cleo held her small hand as she wobbled out of the room.

Cleo came back to sit next to me.
"Did we ever decide on a name?"

I smiled, before shaking my head.

"You said similar. Similar to ours, like we did with Melanie."
"It was kind of a stupid idea wasn't it?"

My smile widened, "A little bit, but that's why I love them both so much."

"Because they're stupid?" She raised her eyebrows.

I laughed, "No! God,"

She smiled and wrapped an arm around me, scooting in closer.

"I thought I knew until I saw him. He's too perfect for any name."

On cue, he started crying.

With a singular finger, I pulled the soft cloth of the swaddle down to show his tiny face better. "Well, we can get through it, can't we, sweetheart?"

He let out another wail, before completely stopping his tears.

"Nice control." I snorted, before glancing back at her.
"You have the list memorized, Cleo, you choose."

She sighed. "Oh, you're doing this to me now?"

"Seems we don't have a choice." I sighed.

"You're starting to talk like me,"
"You're like the only person I see, that kind of makes sense."

"Also, we technically-"
"Cleo, pick a damn name." I said. "It's not as serious as you think,"

She hummed, "That is an incredibly subjective-"
"Please." I cut her off.

"Just nothing that rhymes, I don't want to deal with that."

She blinked repeatedly in silence.

"It would be kind of funny." She replied.
"Your sense of humor is incredibly fucked, love."

"You are really starting to talk like me, you need to get out more." She muttered.

I laughed, sounding in pain, "Please."

"Actually, you're British, so I'll let that one pass."

"Right, sorry about that."

She thought for a moment.


"I'm scared now." I whispered.

"You should be, never know what's going on up here," she put a finger to her head.

I just sighed and waited as she thought, silently picking a name.

Minutes later, she finally spoke. "Marine,"

I looked up at her.

She gave me a playful smirk. "I think I have it."

(A/N, the amount of math I had to do to track both of these pregnancy journeys was actually insane

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(A/N, the amount of math I had to do to track both of these pregnancy journeys was actually insane. I suck at simple addition so please be thankful, jesus😭💀)

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