It All Comes Crashing Down/Up(8)

Start from the beginning

"Well well well!" I sighed feeling at home, "It's so good to be back!" I took Pinetree by the hand dragging him into a two step dance. He stumbled cursing but I hummed over his complaints, gripping him tightly to keep him on both feet. "We'll meet again. Don't know where Don't know wheeennn! Oh but I know we'll Meet again Some Sunny DAyyyyyy." reflexively his hands gripped my shoulders and his brow nit in tight concentration or maybe irritation.

"Bill!" He shouted. I spun us one last time before abruptly letting go, he tripped over his feet as he regained balance without falling on his ass.

A thought flashed through my mind, a kind I'd never had before about a little flesh bag, it sent a shot of heat over my new skin. Fascinating.

"What! It's a day of celebration! Do you not dance and sing when you celebrate?!" I roared and looked around my small party group. Ana was all eye's for Wendy and I'm sure she'd forgotten I or Pinetree was even here. "Fine fine fine! Party later! How about I give you a tour first!" Again I reached for him, he was faster this time, his hand shot back against his side. Of course he's only human, and I, a demon, so it was useless. I grabbed hold of him and speed walked the two of us towards one of the many closed and locked doors along the wall space.

I let go of him when we were several maze-like halls from the throne room.

His hands met his knees as he hunched over breathing heavily. I decided not to wait for him, instead when he noticed I was still walking he had to catch up, still breathing fast and shallow.

"This will be our hall of the Fearamid, it's broken up in many sections but most of them will be either off limits for you or too difficult to find anyways so do not worry about them." I nodded to the space unfolding around us. Long winding corridors, with off branching halls, staircases and windows that led to wide open spaces or other rooms, doors or more halls.

"Off limits? Really you're basically keeping me locked up in this place for the rest of my hopefully long life and you're going to put 'do not enter' sides on some places? Are you kidding?" He scoffed eyeing each different thing as we passed, maybe trying to make sense of it all. Wait till he finds out the Fearamid shifts at random.

"I'm not doing it to antagonize you. The only truly off limits spaces are Ana's hall and the Demons hall. Ana's for her personal privacy and the Demons for your own safety, I don't think you want to hang out with that lot. They're not very human friendly. As for the difficult sections I recommend keeping your problems with authority in check till you've at least mastered this hall and the main hall. You would get lost and die of starvation or dehydration in some sections, and that's on the tame side of things."

I took the stairs two at a time again, losing him behind me a little. I had to wait at the landing for him to catch up, he was flustered and brimming with annoyance but that was all I got from him, he still wasn't afraid of me even after everything. How odd he had turned out to be.

In the short hall ahead of us one door stood to my left, to my right another short staircase led to another. "This" gesturing to the left, "will be your space." The door flung open with a bang, instead of jumping, Pinetree sways forwards to look up at the door on my right. "This way." I hummed, shoulder shoving him into his room.

Softer lighting emanated down the small walkway of walls lined floor to ceiling in books, aside from the shelves the room itself was rather bare, just a bed and a cozy fur chair that I wasn't going to tell him was real.

"I'm not sure I fully understand human needs so if it's missing something I can always whip it up for you I guess." My fingers crept along the collar of my shirt.

He stepped past me into the space, taking it all in. His fingers ran along the spine of the books along the wall, touched the bedding and the couch like he was searching for dust. He did a little spin in the center and pulled that ratty blue and white hat from his head to run his fingers through his hair. Messy brown hair curled around his fingers as he pushed it from his hairline, underneath his signature birthmark faded and slightly distorted with age.

"Sooooo?" Boredom was creeping through me, rocking back and forth on my heels in the doorway impatiently.

"I'm going to need more than this." He almost laughed, still cautious maybe, as he scanned the books and their titles.


"Like a desk for starters, and maybe a notebook or journal- or something..." He waved vaguely in the direction of an empty corner of the room, opposite the bed, with a flick of my wrist a large desk with drawers and shelves built up the sides and an obnoxious amount of empty green and blue leather back journals piled high. Pinetree rolled his eyes at me, but crossed the room to it, hung the hat off the edge of the top shelf.

"Good?" I snipped.

Without turning, he nodded, and I slammed the door behind me. 


Bill just being Bill Cipher is so much fun to write. Like yeah sure I love exploring a softer or more caring side of Bill's character, but just having fun with this being of pure chaos is to much fun. 

Also on a semi personal note(as personal as one can get on a basically  anonymous site.) I got my very first Gravity Falls tattoos this weekend! I've dedicated over 5 years of my life to this fandom and these two idiots in particular that I thought it only fitting to dedicate permeate art to them as well. I have a triangle and the pinetree on the backs of my wrist, I'm looking at them right now at I type this and I get all mushy and sentimental thinking I now get to carry them and this experience with me for the rest of my life.  I'm hesitant to share a photo or detailed description of the tattoos because I designed them myself and am a bit protective of my art that is on my skin. I still wanted to share my joy with the people who would understand it the most. 

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