Parker and Dallie

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Being the youngest of my family has its advantages and disadvantages. I'm able to usually get away with my murder, but the downside is that I'm treated like a baby or child. I have an older brother and sister, we are close in age. I just turned 18 and as soon as I did I applied to the fire fighter academy, I got lucky when my number was called right away. Usually you have to wait months or years for your number to be called, being a fire fighter was always something I wanted to do. I love fire and also it takes a special person to go running into a burning building, it takes a person that it fearless, and that just so happens to be me.

When I told my mother and father that I wanted to be a fire fighter they were proud and supported me one hundred percent. My pops didn't really seem surprised though he pretty much was like I would hope you would do something that has to do with fire since you seem to like it so much.

Fire has always fascinated me. I find it extremely beautiful and temperamental, I mean think about it. We use fire to warm us up, and also use it for different situations, but if used incorrectly or used with malice it can destroy and wipe out something or someone to ashes.

Right now I'm headed over to see my brother for lunch. I'm very close with my brother and sister, my mama and pops call us the holy trinity, we always have each other's backs.

My older brother CJ is the sheriff of our town. My sister Wednesday is in college looking to get her degree in medicine, she wants to be a plastic surgeon.

I finally get to the police station and walk into my brother's office he looks up at me smiling and says "what up bruh?" I sit down across from his desk and sigh saying "not a damn thang just tired as fuck. How are my nephews doing?" He smiles and grabs his phone showing me the twins.

They are now six months old and growing fast. Being a dad looks good on my brother, out of all of us it's safe to say that he is most like our pops, and my sister is the spitting image of our mama and myself, I fall somewhere in-between.

We talk about the twins and CJ asks me how things are going at the firehouse. I tell him the gossip about how the two female paramedics are sleeping with the lieutenant and neither female has any clue. The fact that Sasha and Stephanie have no clue that Doug is two timing them literally proves how stupid females can be over some dick. ...ONE Shots(Complete)✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu