Chapter 6: The 4th Son

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Chapter 6: The 4th son

   At first,  Allen was confused when his scenery changed. He found himself in a wheat field all of a sudden. But after a few seconds, he understood what happened when he was in this familiar place and there was a familiar figure standing in the distance.

Allen walked towards the figure dressed in the maid uniform calmly and slowly until he arrived.

" It's nice to see you again, Allen~ "

Other than being dressed in a maid uniform, the figure in front of him has short blonde hair reaching its neck and blue eyes.

Other than being dressed in a maid uniform, the figure in front of him has short blonde hair reaching its neck and blue eyes

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" I am honoured to see you again, God Behemo. "

Allen kneeled in front of the figure. Witnessing Allen's reaction, the smile on the figure disappeared.

" .. Ah, how unpleasant... "

Allen raises his head and glances at Behemo with confusion.

" This is how it is. The entire reason why I didn't see you after you spent your time with Riliane in the 4th period. You are quick to answer the request asked of you by Sickle. What happened to the indecisive guy that I know? It's a pity that for an irregular, you are being a subservient puppet for that man. It's disgusting. It's pissing me off. "

Allen calmly listened as Behemo ranted to him. Seeing Allen being calm and silent, Behemo's mood wasn't pleasant.

" I don't want to see you right now. Go back to that world. "

With a wave of Behemo's hand, Allen felt his soul was being dismissed in the Heavenly Yard. Before he regained his consciousness, Allen heard Behemo advise him.

" That world you threading is filled with nosy gods. They wouldn't take kindly of you. Be careful about getting discovered. "

Before Allen completely disappeared, He sent Behemo a grateful wan smile.

" Thank you,  God Behemo. "


Deruth didn't foresee that today would be an unexpected day. It would be eventful and different from the usual and monotonous days of paperwork, taking care of his territory and preventing any black market from developing on his fiefdom.

In the evening, he receives the news of his oldest son accepting a guest at the castle from Hans.

" Lord, young master Cale was carrying one of the guests while he was accompanied by the other. "

" Is the guess unconscious? "

Hans's reply made his heart skip a beat in fear.

" The unconscious person has a trace of blood in the white robes they are wearing. "

Instantly, Deruth left his seat in his office. With a frantic tone, he asked the personal butler of his oldest son.

"  Where is this person located? "

" In the guest room located near young master Cale's room, My lord. "

" Take me there! "

Hans was surprised by the frantic tone of Count Deruth before he calmed down and maintained his composure outwardly despite being nervous and anxious inside his mind. After all, he wanted to make a good impression on the Count.

" As you wish. "

Count Deruth and the servant left the Count's workroom. On their way to the guest room where the unconscious guest was staying in the castle, they were greeted by the other servants and even encountered some knights hired by Deruth to protect the castle and his family from intruders.

Deruth greeted and acknowledged Ron and his son when he encountered them. Eventually, Deruth and Hans made it to the door where the unconscious guest was staying.

Hans opened the door for him, entering and witnessing the sight inside, Deruth's heart started beating frantically.

Inside the room was his son Cale talking to the guests inside the room. One was a haired and golden-eyed young man who was in the same age range as his son. The other was supposed to be the unconscious guest who was already awake.

Blond hair and blue eyes, a familiar face that he has met in the capital – This is a sign of trouble for Count Deruth and his family's peaceful life.

It is what he expected. It is what he dreaded being involved and entangled.

When the blond-haired and blue-eyed young man noticed him, Count Deruth Henituse bowed and greeted the young man.

" Your Royal Highness, Prince Alexis. "

Seeing his father bowing towards Allen, Cale's expression turned ugly. Hearing his address towards Allen, it becomes more uglier. With a glare, Cale said with sarcasm. He already knows that the young man is lying to him. Who else would possess blond hair and blue eyes other than the members of the Royal Family?

" An illegal son of a noble huh? Care to explain why my father called you the 4th Prince Alexis, young master Hansel? "

Allen's smile became amused when he heard one of his many identities. Acknowledging Deruth, Allen returned the greeting.

" Please, you don't need to bow to me, Count Henituse. "

Returning his gaze to Cale, Allen smiled and asked.

" Does young master Cale are implying of myself lying? Like one of my older brothers, I am an illegal son. "

Both Count Deruth and Cale willfully ignored the piece of information given to them.

" It is sad that young master Cale doesn't believe my sincerity. My identity as Hansel, Lemy Abelard, Len, Allen, Pollo, etc. is true to my identity as the 4th son of my father.  "

" Hansel the wandering magician and bastard son is real, young master Cale. "

Under the 'sincere' expression, Cale's eyes turned into crescents, and he smiled.

" I believe you, Prince Alexis. "

" Ah! I'm glad young master Cale believes my sincerity. "

Seeing the 'grateful' expression towards him, Cale internally shuddered.

' Disgusting... The rumours are indeed the truth. The royal family is filled with scummy and venomous snakes.'

After this incident, Cale would keep away from any members of the Royal Family and he would never encounter this 4th prince again.

While Allen and Cale are exchanging smiles, Deruth decides to ask Allen.

" Fourth Prince, if I may ask, can I ask why we owe you a visit? "

Turning his gaze at Deruth, Allen saw this as a perfect opportunity to state his intentions.

" I apologize if you didn't expect my visit Count Deruth but I only wanted one thing from your territory... "

Count Deruth was growing hesitant as he listened to the young prince.

" There is one object that I hold a particular interest in. This item may take the form of a mirror, a precious gemstone, or even a crown... "

The pair of blue eyes stared at him intensely. Count Deruth can't look away from it.

" Count Deruth, may I take this item from your Castle? "

With eyes gleaming with greed, the fourth prince particularly looks evil.

Prince of Pride (Evillious Chronicle × Trash of the Count's Family fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now