Chapter 4: Unwavering Loyalty

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Chapter 4: Unwavering Loyalty

     Not far away from the Henituse Castle is a popular inn. It was famous for its delicious food and drinks.

" Young Master. "

A black-haired young man covered in white robes took a seat at one of the seats at the table, A man with wavy ash-grey-coloured hair greeted him.

Allen inclined his head at the greeting and asked.

" Did you already pay the owner of this Inn for our room? "

" Yes, young master. "

Seating opposite Allen is the person who serves him as a coachman arriving in the Henituse Territory.

It's already afternoon when they arrive in the Territory of Count Deruth. Now, it's already night. Allen and the coachman needed to stay in the inn and spend the night there.

" Young master, the food and drinks will arrive soon.. "

While the coachman informed him of that information, Allen asked his servant.

" Did you also rent a stable for the horses to stay for the night? "

" Indeed, young master. "

" What about the carriage? "

" They are stored in the stable where the horses are currently staying. "

" I am grateful, Gavin. "

Allen smiled at his servant/coachman. Seeing Allen smiling at him, Gavin becomes flustered. The 18-year-old turned his head away from Allen.

Even without the usual recognizable blond hair and blue eyes, his young master still looks good-looking.

Anyone being complimented from the young master's bloodline would turn into a mess. The family that belongs to the young master has a natural charisma that makes people to be drawn to them.

' To be blessed by a God. '

The young master's family are truly fortunate. And the people under the one who was blessed by God are also fortunate to have this family serving them.

While Gavin was thinking about Allen's 'family' and their natural charisma, the daughter of the inn owner came and brought their food and drinks to the table.

Allen and Gavin both thanked the daughter of the inn owner causing the latter to blush in embarrassment and hurriedly leave at their table after bringing their food and drinks. Feeling a piercing glare in their direction, Allen glances at its origin.

It was the inn owner sending them a death stare. Allen gives the owner an apologetic glance while smiling wryly. He hopes that he conveyed with his glance that he and Gavin don't have any ill intentions towards the inn owner's daughter.

Turning his gaze towards the table with food and drinks, Allen was prepared to eat. Before he could pick up the spoon and the fork on the table, Gavin interrupted him.

" Young master, Allow me. "

Using his spoon and fork, Gavin tasted all of the dishes on their table and took a sip of their drinks. Allen grimaces at the display and he willfully ignores the strange gazes that the other people eating at the inn sent to their table.

" All of them are safe young master, you can eat now. "

" Gavin.. You don't need to taste any food or drink that I would eat.  "

" I just want to ensure young master's safety! "

Gavin raised his voice a little bit causing the people in the inn to send them annoyed and displeased looks. Giving the people apologetic glances, Allen chided his servant whispering to him.

" We are here to remain unknown, Gavin. You are doing the opposite. "

" .. I apologize. I let my temper overcome me. The only thing that I want is to ensure your safety and life. I would also willingly sacrifice my life for the young master so that he can live. "

Listening to the servant in front of him, Allen was conflicted. He never thought that he would be on the receiving end of this kind of unwavering and frightening loyalty.

Once upon a time, Allen was the one who sacrificed everything that he had for the sake of his beloved sister. The servant of evil serving the princess who was known as the daughter of evil.

Morals, Friends, Acquaintances, The family that accepted him, the girl that he fell in love and his own life.

Now being directed that same unwavering and ardent loyalty, Allen doesn't know what he would do with it.

He knows that he doesn't deserve it.

A month ago, he only showed kindness towards Gavin because Allen happened to be there and Gavin looked so pitiful.

Now, he has a loyal and steadfast servant at his every beck and call.

Giving a wan smile, Allen says to Gavin while he dipped his spoon to his soup on the table.

" Gavin, the possibility of myself being the target of assassination is low. "

" Young master, you're–"

" I have 3 older brothers who are more eligible and capable than myself. I am a spare that wasn't needed like my older sisters and younger siblings. No, even my sisters are useful to my father as a political tool. My father allowed my birthday wish to travel around because in the grand scheme of things I am unimportant. "

Allen calmly explained to his extremely devoted loyal servant. The latter was looking like a bullied dog.

" Young master.. "

" It's fine. My situation is the best and ideal. I don't care about our family's succession and I have more important things to worry remember Gavin? "

Gavin's remorseful face brightened when he remembered Allen's grand and important mission.

' That's right! My young master is chosen by a god for a great mission! Collecting and sealing those dangerous items that exist in this world! '

Allen's eye twitched for a bit under the fervent gaze directed to him by his servant. He willfully ignores it while eating the dishes laid out on the table.

Catching a glimpse of Allen enjoying his food, Gavin felt happy. Inside his mind, he agreed with his young lord.

' Young master Alexis is correct. Our situation is the best! Other than me, are there any servant that can always eat at the same table with their young masters? '

While Allen was eating silently and savouring the taste of the dishes and Gavin gloating about his circumstances inside his mind, the peaceful approaching evening in the inn was disturbed by the arrival of an infamous person in the Henituse Territory.

Seeing the person who entered the inn, along with the inn owner, the customers shivered in fear upon seeing the person.

Eye-catching bright red hair and sharp reddish brown-red eyes. Pale skin and wearing extravagant aristocratic clothing. The person is very good-looking.

Unfortunately, the very handsome face was ruined by his gaze of indifference and disregard for everyone.

" Prepare the usual drinks at my table, Inn owner. "

The person who disrupted the peaceful atmosphere of the inn is the rumoured trash son of Count Dereth, Cale Henituse.


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