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Asleep in the next room, Bastet purred. She liked these quiet moments. She could just relax. Yet as much as she tried, a vague sense of foreboding surrounded her, enveloping her, slipping its cold claws of ice down her back.

 Unless...unless, no, that couldn't happen, could it? Not unless her counterpart had been... maybe enslaved?

No, that wouldn't happen. 

It wouldn't, would it?

 Oh yes it could, she told herself

. Her day was about to get much, much, worse. She yowled in disappointment. 

Better leave, she thought. 

Minutes before, Typhon had crept down the hallway. Bastet's ears had pricked up as she listened to the nefarious click click click of his heels pacing down the corridor.

Typhon had gripped the bars of her window, glaring into the room, staring her down and asking

This time however she had heard a female voice saying, "I'll get Bastet!!" Friend or foe? Hard to tell. 

Bastet readied her claws and bared her teeth, cat fangs pointing subtly. By then the voice had come nearer. She readied herself for a fight, sharpened her claws, opened the door and saw... herself, or someone so like her they could have been sisters. 

There were some small differences. While Bastet had a cat's ears, tail and whiskers, the figure had a lioness's. Bastet's jewellery was more subtle than the figure's golden gauntlets. Bastet had golden skin but the figure had brown. 

"What the... Sekhmet? I knew I'd see you again!!" Bastet called joyfully. Typhon's butler ran into the cat-headed goddess's arms.

 "Oh, Baby Bast! How are you little sis?"she cried. There were several tearful seconds as the sister reunited. Sekhmet steeled herself.

"Now shush, we don't have much time. I am enslaved by Typhoon. He plans on absorbing the power of every major god or goddess in any major culture, or even minor ones! He'll take over and rule, controlling the entire magical world! And, he plans on using oni and kijimuna to achieve his dastardly plans!!!" she finished, a look of horror on her face. 

Bastet's expression was identical to her sister's. "Kijimuna are usually peaceful and oni are fearsome enemies. If he gets the Windigo, we are doomed," she cried in desperation. 

Her sister gripped her shoulders. "All is not lost! You can find Horus, Ares, Mars, Thor, anyone who can help! And, Bastet" she tightened her grip on Bastet's shoulders, "You must do it by next Tuesday or all is lost. Good luck!" 

With that, Typhon's butler raced down the hallway, running to the kitchen where Typhon's roast chicken was burning . 

Bastet did not waste time in getting out of there. 

In fact, Sekhmet hadn't even finished speaking when Bastet disappeared. 

Little did Bastet know her life would get steadily worse after taking this quest and might even end. 

She really should have stayed.

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