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The hooded figure stalked slowly down the hallway. The billowing cloak wrapped around their slightly frame drifted in the breeze. A torch burned in the bracket and coated the temple with smoke. The cloying smell of incense drifted in the stale air as they glided toward the left hand corridor. A menacing presence filled the room, torches eerily extinguishing when they drifted past. The figure stopped. Staring at the ground, whoever it was knelt. They opened their mouth and spoke the five ancient words of power. "Deíxe mou to mystikó sou." The low voice hissed softly from the voluminous hood. It was impossible to tell the person's gender from their voice, low and husky as it was. Slowly, the incantation began to work, and a prophecy lay engraved in the floor. Removing the cloak, Hecate gasped. She translated the words in her head.

The deepest thought shall betray her,

The strongest feeling shall be deadly

One will lose a love of life,

Another to return with the hope of a wife,

Dangers pass and monsters die,

Traps are within where loyalties lie,

Cat will destroy, huntress to kill,

It all lies in their goodwill.

A gentle sob escaped her mouth. Her slowly pulsing necklace fell from her fingers and cracked on the floor. Hecate had fled the temple that day and never returned.

Okay so if you could just hit that little star button you'd make my day, my week, or even my year! I would also really appreciate some comments 😃 

Above all, enjoy!

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