Vocab Homework + New World Lore

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The ghastly figures began to aggregate into one body.

The sight left little seven-year-old Pōpoki aghast.

Tarrant would bequeath his life, feeling his purpose was served.

Kai would disseminate the seeds in his grandmother's garden.

Tarrant was really good at dissimulation.

The poor girl was so dogmatic, she
was delusional.

Tarrant's main facet was his narcissism.

Pōpoki's parents had a faddish they did well.

Pōpoki's schizophrenia was iconoclast to their school's beliefs.

They had to practice and imbibe the way their bodies functioned, after all, neither of them had a tail or cat ears in their past life.

Tarrant's new self was more jocular than he was before.

Mai's new self was more jubilant than before; it scared her.

Their bodies were rather monolithic.

Pōpoki's body began to perspire sweat.

As the siblings were reincarnated, they felt copious amounts of quandary.

If Kai hadn't lived with Tarrant, he would've had a very raucous way of living.

The bulldozer was planned to raze the city.

Her surmise led her to believe what they saw was real.

Mari was susceptible to anything she saw on the internet.

Tarrant believed his actions were venial.

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