"W-When will he regain his consciousness?"

"Uh...maybe few weeks?"

I exhaled deeply, before forcing a weak smile to the doctor.

"Thank you doctor. Please let me know about him as soon as he regains his consciousness..."

"Sure, we'll let you know."

Wtf is going on.

I was worried. I didn't knew what to do at this moment. A rush of regretness hit me badly.

I wanted to see my friend. The buddy, I shared my childhood with. How did I not believe him?

How did I not even think about this once?

How can I be so heartless with him!?

Right now, he is the one who can help me reach the killer. I hope he regains his senses back soon, and lives in happiness.

I swear, I'll kill the stalker with my own hands for doing this to my loved ones...

"I'm sorry Jungkook..."

I mumbled in grief and guilt. Glancing at the ICU for the last time, I walked away with my head hung low.


"I-Is this our house?"

"Yeah sweety."

I yawned, as I wasn't able to sleep the whole night, overthinking as usual. Y/n was discharged this morning, and thus, we were standing outside the gate of my house.


She hugged her mother, as tears left her eyes.

"I really can't believe that I'm married!"

She glanced at all of us, before sighing.

So, earlier we explained her everything about her past. Except the bad memories. The past accident or the regretful memories, she didn't knew anything.

We lied to her by telling that she got into a small head injury, while falling off the stairs.

Lame, but she believed it.

And that we married few days ago before her accident.

Weird right?

But the doctor told us not to give any pressure on her mind, just let her do whatever she wants, until it's safe.

After a few minutes of discussion, she finally was ready to move along with me. Waving bye to her parents and my mom, we entered our house, as my guards carried our luggage.

Walking upstairs, I led her towards her room.

"This is your room."

She nodded in agreement, before walking inside and glancing around with widened eyes.

"It's really big... and beautiful."

How can I tell her that she has already lived here before...

A chuckle escaped my lips, as I left towards my room. Closing the door, I stared at the bed.

We used to sleep here. I cuddled her every night...

My heart ached remembering those sweet memories, and that she doesn't remember a single one.

I just confessed her that evening, never imagining something like this waiting for us in the future. ..

Sighing loudly, I changed my outfit. Freshening up, I walked towards her room and knocked.

"Come in."

Walking inside, I saw her arranging her clothes in the closet.

I already removed all the past evidences in advance, including belongings and the most important,


I changed her number, so that the stalker or her old friends won't remind her of her past, which may trigger something bad again...


She looked at me, as I signalled her to sit. She obeyed me, before plopping on the bed infront of me.


"I'll tell you about myself."


"So you mean, you are the CEO of 'The Kim Co'. I'm your secretary. You hate coffee and spicy food. You love acting and strawberries. You're 5 feet 10, and romantic. You like stargazing and long rides with your partner. You love singing and dancing. You play saxophone. You love Niagara- what?"

She paused and narrowed her eyes, before getting closer to the paper.

"Yeah yeah! That's it. You can read it afterwards."


I shoved the large paper down from her hands, smiling.

She was amused by reading all those things. But yeah, I wanted to let her know every single thing about me, like she did before...

Telling her about my friends as well, she smiled slyly.

"So, Park Jimin is your best friend?"


She nodded, as I watched her raising her eyebrows and looking at me in surprise.

"D-Do I have friends?"


Should I tell her about Lisa, the only one friend of hers who made her genuinely happy...?


"Yeah... But she lives in New York."

"Woah really? I wanna meet her someday."


I passed her a sweet smile, before standing up.

"Come downstairs for lunch."

As I was about to twist the door knob, I heard her voice again.

"K-Kim Taehyung!"

I paused and turned back, as I saw her blinking in nervousness.

"W-When are we going to start our work?"

"The doctor told you to rest for some days. So, when you get better, I'll take you to the company."

"Oh, okay..."

Chuckling, I went near her. She watched me in surprise, as I sat closer, facing her.

Oh god. She's so beautiful.

She watched me with those glittering brown orbs, and a small confused pout, which made me smile.

Raising my hand, I slowly tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, which made her watch my actions with widened eyes.

I loved it, that she didn't even hesitate. She allowed me to touch her, without speaking a single word.

Duh, I'm her husband after all.

Staring at her flustered face, I smirked.

"Honey... call me Tae..."

She nodded slowly, before hiding her flushed cheeks.

I loved the effect I had on her.

"I'm waiting for you downstairs..."

I whispered, before slowly grazing my hand on her cheek and leaving her speechless. Walking out of the room, I smiled again, walking towards the dining hall.

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