Chapter 10

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-This is a memory-

It had been a few days since Blair's 13th birthday and she was now sitting in the living room with her dad, waiting for Billy to get back home with their mother. She sighed as she watched the TV, bored with the channel. "Dad?" She questioned. She dad looked over at her, raising an eyebrow at his daughter. "Why did Billy get to stay at Stu's but I wasn't allowed to go?" She whined out. Stu was just as much Blair's friend as he was Billy's so she obviously annoyed.

"Because sweetie it was a sleepover and you're a girl so you can't have sleepover with boys" her dad justified. She groaned a little before staring at her dad a little. She noticed how relaxed he'd become over the last month but she could never place a finger on why. She figured it wasn't all the late nights at the office because there was no way that made him relaxed, there was more to it. Another layer.

She jumped when the front door slammed shut. Mr Loomis stared at the entry way to find his 15 year old son avoiding his eyes and his wife staring at him, angry. "Bethany please go to your room with William" Nancy stated, looking at her daughter. Blair simply nodded, scared what her mother might say or do if she didn't.

Billy immediately wrapped an arm around his younger sister as he led her upstairs. He knew why his mother was angry. Stu's mom had just had a sit down with her about Mr Loomis and Maureen Prescott. Mrs Macher was gentle whilst receiving the news, trying to comfort Nancy. Billy knew he couldn't yell Blair. She was only 13 and an innocent kid, something he wasn't anymore. He also couldn't bring himself to ruin his sister's perception of their dad, not now atleast.

Billy led Blair to his room, locking the door behind them. "Billy? What's going on?" Blair asked, shaking a little whilst speaking quietly. Billy hated seeing the timid and scared side of his sister, it was a sore sight truly.

"Mom is mad at dad. They'll talk and sort it out but right now why don't we listen to some music?" He asked, smiling. Blair gave him a shy smile before nodding so Billy turned on some loudish music to drown out their parent's yelling. It didn't help much but it kept Blair occupied for most of the time.


It was now midnight and Blair was asleep with her head on Billy's shoulder and her fingers playing with his new rings which is habit she'd develop over the next few years. Billy was slowly drifting off too but he wanted to keep a close eye on his sister first to make sure she was okay.

Billy lightly kissed Blair's head before falling asleep too, hoping everything would be just alright in the morning.

-end of memory-

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