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I listened to this track on repeat as I wrote this chapter and it really resonated with the mood. It's in the top ten harmonies on my list. do listen to it.

"There are lands in the west," Harfen Parr gulped down the meat, his fingers covered in oil and spices. Arcturus did not have a heart for food that night. He sat before the king with a goblet of herbal essence Master Brane had prescribed. It was bitter and sweet at the same time. "I should honour your troubles, Toluer. You did what most of my men could not do. I value your life and if the price is the escape of the VannØrn spawn, I shall gladly pay it."

"You are too kind, Sire. However, Lord Warne won't be pleased," Arcturus said, cleaning the sides of his mouth with a cloth. His leg pained him, where Sapphire had cut clean through the sinew. He'd have to thank Brane for his medication. Not many survived such wounds even with the service of Draedech to heal them. "The West belongs to him. He takes pride in his lands. It would be a fallacy to go against his wishes."

"The lands along the North-Western border, then? None of my men would take them."

Arcturus raised his eyes, lowering the goblet of water he had raised to push down the essence.

"You mean to talk about High Thorn and Lorda, Sire?"

"Lord Farsey has no heirs to take up his assets. His health has been declining for the last few years. I'm afraid he shall not be among us for long now."

"It shall be unfortunate to see him go. He is a loyal subject and a great strategist. His mother and daughter shall ask for some residence."

"They shall be accommodated. The north is weak and vulnerable to attack," the king said. "It is the reason I ask you to occupy Lord Farsey's lands. Satarians have been restless. Blood lovers. Elephants shall fly the day they take up peace as their emblem."

Arcturus nodded. He had never wanted glory when he had taken his position at court. His only intent had been to serve. He was loyal to the crown. These riches being handed over to him had never been something he had thought about. Gaining the North would be beneficial. He sipped the essence again.

"Anything to please you, Sire," he said bowing his head a bit.

"Let us hold a feast to commend your victory," Harfen Parr rang the bell beside his hand.

Servants rushed in a flurry of skirts and boots, reaching for the utensils, making sure not to splash any drinks and wine on the dinner cloth. The king sat quietly while the servants worked, his fingers crossed, the obsidian ring glinting on his ring. If anything, Toluer was clouded with confusion. This past year, he had brought more disappointments to the king than he had done in the past eleven years combined. Yet, he had been bestowed the rank of Harfen Parr's heir. Now, the gift of land being handed to him troubled him. By the time the table had been cleared, the silence suffocated Toluer. Part of his contemplations must have been revealed on his face and the aged man before him gave a wistful chuckle.

"You expect retribution," he said shrewdly. "I see it in your eyes. You hold yourself too stiffly Arcturus. Your fear is palpable to the keen eye."

Arcturus shrugged a shoulder; a move he would never have made had he been before the court.

"I had the woman in my grasp."

"You brought her till Kingsgate," Harfen said, leaning forward. "It was a feat in itself considering that a wood elf had been helping her. We have her companions in our clutches. She is a volatile woman. Lysander and she shall return for them."

Arcturus took another hearty gulp of water. The bitterness washed away somewhat. Harfen sighed.

"You need not fear me, my boy," he said. Arcturus jolted at the words 'my boy'. "You are too dear to my heart for me to see you hurt."

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