Part 24: Finale

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       Before anything, Dune had to find Obel and Nyme. Of course, she knew where she had hid them, but when Dune checked the hole, she was struck with the realization that they had left without permission. 

       There were only ten-ish minutes before the two leaders shared their deal or reason or whatever they talked about. Dune was scrambling everywhere, asking creatures left and right if they had seen the two young pero ghiblies. 

       Nobody had been paying that close attention two those two, which was a problem because they were Aire's kids! Of course they'd be worth watching out for! It irritated Dune, but she didn't express it out loud.

       Dune was about to start shouting out for them when her name was called.

       "Dune!" a voice shouted. It sounded like Rega, if she remembered right. One of the heads on the young Sar'Hingaro. 

       "Over here!" Another voice, Anna, shouted to her, and Dune saw them running... or speed walking to her while Syza held her neck high. Behind her, though, were Obel and Nyme, shoving each other as if they were racing. 

       Running over to the three young creatures, Dune's heart rate slowed down after finding the two.

       "We's made some new hybrid friends!" Rega smiled.

       The two siblings eventually came up next to the little Sar'Hingaro, smiling and laughing before they both looked at Dune's eyeless but frustrated glare. 

       Nyme looked down at the ground while Obel brought one wing over her. Dune liked that he was being a good brother but she didn't let that stop her from being a little bit mad at them.

       "I told you not to come out of that hole until it was safe," Dune said, craning her neck to look taller than she seemingly was. It worked, and the two shrank a little bit.

        Obel spoke up, shaking a little bit from the pressure. "I- We're sorry, we just-"

       "We said they could come out!" Syza interrupted. she stood in front of Nyme and Obel,  holding one wing in front of them. "Now that it was safe, we found them talking and- and the three of us wanted to meet them and when we said it was safe to come out they did so and we- we saw they looked like the Oasis ruler and knew they were probably-so important and they were hungry so we went to eat and-"

       "Alright, I don't need the whole story," Dune said, wavering one talon in the air. "Sure it was safe, but you left and I had no idea where you two had gone! And your mother is much too busy right now, so I was put in charge of your safety. I dearly hope you can understand where my concern is."

       Her scolding sunk into them. Obel nodded and sat down. "Sorry," Nyme muttered, folding her wings close to her sides. Her small talons dug into the sand, and Obel rested his featherless tail over hers. 

       Dune sighed and shook her head. "Just... don't do it again, ok?" she asked. The two nodded their heads.

       Amara lifted her head to look over Syza's neck to smile at the two ghiblies. "So who's your pa? Ours is the general that's talkin' to your 'Ma!" 

      "We... don't have a pa, I don't think," Nyme answered. She looked up at Dune with a hopeful look. "Do you know if we have a pa?"

       "Errr..." Dune said, awkwardly. She had no recollection of any other pero ghibli other than Aire and her kids. "I'm not sure if you do have a dad or not. I wasn't around to know him."

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