Part 16: Prepare.

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       After about half an hour of running and stopping to breathe, the three creatures finally made it to the sandstone arc. It wasn't really an arch by the shape of the tall structure, but an arc shaped hole that led straight through to the oasis. Dune looked up and saw two sochuries clinging to the rock. One was black, one was red. The red one looked down and saw the trio, muttered something to the black sochuri, and flew down, landing in front of Dune while Arche and Armolten stood behind her.

       "State your business bein' here," The female demanded in a bored voice. 

       Dune stood, craning her neck to seem taller. "I need to see Aire," she said, flicking her tail at the shape of the medium sized mountain. 

       The sochuri tilted her head. "Hmm, are ya one of her alliances?" She said, crossing her wings. 

       "I'm her friend," Dune said, getting impatient. "Dune, a knalriki. You should know me, I just look a little- ok, a lot different from when I left."

       "Ehhh, I dunno... you don't look nothin' like a knalriki," She says, tilting her head and breathing a small plume of fire. "You sure ya's tellin' the truth?" 

       Dune stomped on the ground. "Yes! Me and all knalrikies in sonaria were changed by Erythia! You don't look anything like the old sochuri do you?" She snapped, her snout inches away from the bat creature's snout. 

       The sochuri looked as if she was trying to make eye contact with Dune with wide eyes before stepping back and spreading their wings out. Her ears perked up. "Aright, fair enough. The same thing happened to the rest've us soch's. Met our so-called 'Creator' and the very first sochuri n' existence." The sochuri tilted her head. "But what makes ya think Aire will like you in ya's new body?"

       She stood there, staring at the sochuri. Were they right? Would Aire see her as a monster in her new form? Dune looked at Arche, who shrugged. Very helpful for my self esteem, Dune silently told him. She forced herself back to reality and looked back at the sochuri. "That isn't my top priorty right now. Trying to save her life," Dune said, shoving past the sochuri. "Come on guys." Armolten and Arche followed right behind. 

       "Wait- save Aire?" The sochuri questioned. "Is someone plotting to assassinate her? Are they coming now?"

       "Errr, yes. Yeah, they're coming, and they're big, so Oasis needs to be ready," Dune said, confused about whether or not she told the truth or not. It sounded like she did, but the way she said it made it sound like she was lying. The sochuri flew up to their friend and said something. Whatever she said, they both flew to the oasis to spread the news.

       Dune walked into the middle of the oasis. All the resident creatures seemed to be less angry and more relaxed and at peace with one another. Smaller tiers conversed with larger tiers as if they were friends and not enemies. Aire, you did so well bringing peace, Dune thought proudly. But now you're going to have to fight for it.

        She turned to her friends, who stopped immediately. "Guys, warn everybody you can about Sar'Hingaro," she said. She turned to Armolten and pointed her tail. "Armolten, do not go sport killing."

       "Jeez, ok," She said with a huff, staring at a few ikorans sharing a meal. Armolten went to them first while Arche went to a squadron of gramosses and kendylls arguing about who were stronger. 

       And I will go warn my best friend about the upcoming danger, Dune ordered herself, looking up at the sandstone platform and cave at the very top of the natural structure. She sighed, and walked through the crowd of creatures to get to the start of the slope.

Creatures Of Sonaria: Sands Of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now