Part 21: Deathwish

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       "You're insane!"

       "I'm not. It's gonna work, just trust me!"

       "What's going to work? You don't even have a plan, Dune!"

       "With both of you shut up?" 

       It didn't take very long for Rega, Anna, and Syza to find Diala. She was out in the open, scanning the destroyed battleground. Half of the oasis had died to another of the Sar'Hingaro's beam attacks. It seemed they had a much longer cool down though, even though it didn't seem much in their favor. 

       However, Dune did have a plan despite what Diala thought. She was just paranoid and overreacting. Stay on the backs of the... one kid. It was confusing to Dune how each head had a consciousness of their own but still not be siblings. She was also surprised how well they were flying with two full grown creatures on their- her back. But they had to fly above the war zone in the sky so neither of the opposing sides attacked them. 

       Then, when either of the heads spotted their father, Dune just had to convince him that they should stop fighting, to ask him to just call off the fight and talk Aire. Dune knew Aire could resolve this. She had to. 

       And to make that happen, she had to find Aire and call off her side of the war. Once the two opposing sides stopped, they'd come to a truce. Maybe Aire could allow the Sar'Hingoro species to coexist in Sonaria with everyone else. The species carried generations of lies, they just didn't know it.

       Dune knew Diala had the real story from the past. The ani species could tell them the truth.

       Boom, done, easy as that! War is over, and everyone is at peace again!


       It has to work, Dune thought, digging her front claws into the young Sar'hingaro's shoulders, careful not to not hurt them or affect their flying. Dune looked over their left wing. They were well above the battle. Creatures falling and diving from the sky. It was hard to tell which was which. Of course, more of the oasis was dying rather than the Sar'Hingaro species. Far below them, under the sky war, creatures were being healed, only for one or more Sar Hingaro to finish off the weak before hopping into the sky to go back to the fight in the air. 

       As if on queue, another attack with their destructive green beams. At least at this point, some creatures had run under the mesa for cover. Some semi aquatics running for the water. That pond was small, so Dune could only imagine how cramped it was in there.

       "I see father!" Anna shouted, bringing Dune back to her focus. She looked over to see Diala clinging onto Anna's neck as if her life depended on it. In actuality, it kind of did. Dune was about to tell Syza to lower them down slowly before Rega started to shout at her father.

       "Daaad!" Anna shouted and raising her neck, making Diala slip down a bit. Dune had to use the smaller, weird leg under her forearms to keep her from slipping and falling. Rega followed in Anna's excitement and called out for her father aswell. 

       Dune had to look carefully at the army, seeing which Sar'Hingaro reacted first. Of course, it had to be the largest one in the sky, all three heads raised to look at his three headed daughter. Dune didn't remember all three of the head's names, only the one that started with S. Skirra, seemingly being the middle head, looked both confused and angry while the other 2 heads are snapping their jaws at astrothies. 

       "DAUGHTER!" Skirra roared, taking full control of the shared body and flying straight for them while the two side heads seemed confused for a moment. Maybe only the middle head controls the body, Dune thought, obviously worried about that assumption.

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