Part 8: Eruption

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       It was sun fall by the time the three arrived at the border. "This is as far as I can take you," Jekyll said, stopping at the edge where the mud was cut off by the growing of fresh plains grass. Not far at all was Molten-Build Volcano, reaching the sky. It's black rock nearly looking like a shadowy mountain. 

       "Thanks, Jekyll," Dune said. Armolten just nodded and began walking. 

       Jekyll nodded and turned to head back into the muddy land. Dune watched him leave for a moment before his figure disappeared behind a large bush. She went ahead to catch up to Armolten. 

       The sky got darker and darker as they neared the volcano, discussing where Gher may be. 

       "I think he's somewhere up in the volcano," Armolten suggested. "Rumor has it the volcano is hollow at the bottom and a trail leads to the top section. If it's true, we can go and see."

        "I guess..." Dune said warily. She wasn't fond of the volcano, let alone being this close to it. But she had to find Gher, for Aire. 

       As they progressed, Dune felt the air getting warmer and warmer. She sniffed the air around them. "Do you smell smoke?" she asked, looking up.

       Armolten rubbed some dry mud from between her hooves and shrugged her shoulders. "It's probably me. I'm just so excited to kill something!" Dune shuddered and felt thankful that she was on her side.  

       The moon was rising above the horizon by the time they reached the base of Molten-Build. Turns out, the rumor was right. A gaping hole loomed open like a massive beasts' mouth. Inside, it was dark and all the cave walls seemed to hide among the night sky. 

       Dune shuddered. The opening gave off a more heated wave of air as they approached. She couldn't decide if it was either welcoming or... eerie. 

       "It's awfully hot for the bottom of this cavern," Armolten stated. 

       "I would've thought you didn't mind the scolding heat of anything considering you're mostly fire," Dune said, looking for the slope upwards, which turned out to be difficult.

       Armolten scoffed. "Just because I'm made of fire doesn't mean I tolerate it," she stomped on a rock, smashing it to smitherines. 

       Dune sniffed the air. It was really smokey, and hard to breathe. "We're inside a volcano, what were you expecting, snow?" She could hear Armolten hiss. Dune looked behind her to see her open her jaws. Flames flickered out from the corners of her jaw and her mane brightened with fiery heat. She could have sworn she saw hints of blue in her flaming tail and mane. 

       An idea popped in her head. "Wait, Armolten, could you use your fire to light up the cave?" Dune asked, giving her a pleading look. 

       "I don't see why not," She grumbled, opening her jaws to emmit a warm light. Dune looked around and saw the dark opening of a hill. 

       "Over there," Dune said, walking toward the slope. Armolten followed close behind her.

       The sloped hill had patches of moss and grass growing between the cracks of the obsidien rock. Climbing it was exhausting. The volcano seemed much smaller than how long it took to get to the top. 

        Dune saw sunlight ahead. It must have taken the rest of the night to get up there. She felt like all the energy she had had suddenly been given to her that moment, and she began running up the hill. Armolten called after her. 

        "We're finally up here!" Dune shouted gleefully, but that happiness was washed away when she picked up an awful stench. Armolten reached the top as well, and judging by the look on her face, she could smell it as well.

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