19: Habit (Sky Mirror AU)

Start from the beginning

Time slipped the rest of the way in, shutting the door behind him with a click. "Are you okay?" Time asked.

Sabre opened his mouth, only to huff in annoyance when nothing came out. Time gave an amused smile as he walked over, handing the notepad that he carried around to Sabre.

Sabre scooted over, patting the spot next to him. Time sat, smiling when Sabre tossed the blanket he had over his lap so it would also cover Time. Sabre pulled the pen out of the small spiral bind, clicking the pen with more force than necessary.

'Fine' Sabre wrote, before writing something else. 'Why?'

Time sighed, glancing out the window. The sky didn't have a cloud, stars shining down. "You've been..." Time paused, searching for the right word. "Different. More quieter, always up here or on the roof."

Time glanced away from the sky when he heard scribbling. 'I don't feel different.' Sabre wrote. 'I just miss home.'

Time blinked at the last word. His lungs felt tight with a huff feeling forming in his chest. "Do you...do you not consider this your home?"

Sabre jolted, eyes wide, as he shook his head. He winced, nodded, before turning to the notepad. 'I do! I do. It's just'- Sabre didn't finish the sentence.

Time hummed softly to himself. "You're homesick?" There was a pause, before Sabre nodded, gazing out at the sky. "Then...why do you keep looking at the sky?"

Sabre didn't take long to respond. 'That's where my home is.'

Time blinked, looking between the pad and the sky. "In the sky?" He couldn't help the disbelief in his tone.

A nod. Sabre tapped the pen on the pad of paper, a contemplative expression crossed his face, before he wrote some more. 'I don't remember everything yet, but my kind can't live down on the ground. I don't know why yet, but I willingly left and stumbled my way into your world.'

Time frowned. "But clearly you are living down here fine? You are okay, right?"

'I'm fine.'

Time felt like Sabre was telling the truth this time. Oh, how his wished Sabre wouldn't have the habit of trying to hide his injuries to make sure they didn't worry. "If you say so." Time said. Sabre leaned over, bumping his shoulder against his. Time smiled, repeating the motion back. "What was your home like?"

'Cold. Heat doesn't stay well in the sky. And bright, unless you live in the thunderstorm district.'

"Did you?" Sabre tilted his head, hair flopping over one eye. "Where did you live?" Time explained. "Besides the sky apparently."

Sabre gave a huff, rolling his eyes. 'The electric district is where I lived. I think that's why your guys' lightning doesn't affect me. I lived in an area that you got shocked a lot in if you were careful enough.'

Time leveled a look at him. "You? Careful?" Sabre gave a betrayed look. "Sabre," Time huffed. "I've heard several stories. You are not careful."

Next to the last sentence, Sabre added on, 'or had good reflexes.'

Time snorted. "See? That fits you." Sabre bopped him in the shoulder. "Anything else?"

'Quiet.' Sabre tapped the pen a few times. 'It was boring. I think that might be why I left, e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶I̶'̶l̶l̶-̶'

Time frowned at the scribbled out part. "Even though you'll what?" Sabre shook his head.



'It's. Nothing.'

"Sabre..." Time stressed. "Does this have to do with the homesickness?"

Sabre looked down at the small notepad in his lap, the front page filled almost all the way with half of their conversation. 'You'll hate me.'

Time gave Sabre a disbelieving look. Out of everything that has happened, Sabre thought he could hate him. "No I won't."

Sabre rolled the pen between his fingers, frowning. 'You know how I am changing appearance?'

Time nodded. "Everyone does. It's quite obvious. What does this have to do with anything?"

'I can't stay here forever. My form is failing, and I'll have to leave soon.'

Time blinked down at the words, their meaning not computing. "How..." His words were shaky. "How long?"

'I don't know.'

Time swallowed the lump in his throat, giving a small smile at Sabre. "Then we'll make the most of it."

Sabre smiled back.

— — —

Words: 1357

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