"Huh, typically it's just a random building," he said to himself. And with that he swooped down and landed swiftly in front of Xisuma.

     "Hey Mumbo!" X said. Mumbo returned the greeting and then X noticed his eyes. X looked puzzled for a second until the happy child-like smile returned to his lips, "Trying some new contacts?" He said.

      It took Mumbo a second to realize what he was talking about but then he quickly nodded, "mhm!" Before X became occupied with other Hermits asking him questions about what's next for the server.

      Mumbo took that as his opportunity to slip away from X and find Scar. He went over to a table near the curb and inspected the food before picking up one of Scars cookies and taking a nibble.

     Almost as if the cookie summoned him, Scar appeared behind Mumbo and gave him a little scare when he put his arm around him. "Mumbo! How are ya?" Scar said, a sparkle in his eyes.

      "Mumbo, after almost choking on his cookie, replied with, "Oh, Uh Scar! I've been looking for you." Scar pulled his arm away to face him, "You have? We saw each other yesterday."

       "Yes well, I've got you something." Mumbo then started digging in his suit pocket to grab the crystal but before he could give it to Scar, someone had pulled him away to talk to him, Cub.

     Mumbo figured it would be easier if he was with Scar alone. So instead of engaging further, he stepped back into the shadows and tried to lay low for a while.

     "Attention Hermits! Please gather around this makeshift podium and we'll get started." X said standing at a lectern that was suspended on a 2 block tall wooden stage in the middle of the street.

     Slowly, all the hermits started shuffling to the middle of the street where the podium was positioned. They got close enough to where they were touching elbows.

X waited for the noise to die down before he started his speech, "All righty hermits we've got some important subjects to cover today, but first, has anyone seen Grian?"

Whispers and murmers filled the air before Cub raised his hand and spoke softly but confidently, "He was sick so he came to my base. He's under my care so no need to worry."

    "Oh, Ok thanks Cub, Tell him I said get better," X said before carrying on about the meeting. The meeting took about an hour before X finally concluded with, "Thank you hermits for all being so patient today! It really means alot to me."

    With those last words people could be seen zipping off left and right with their rockets in hand. Scar was about to follow their lead, until he felt a cold hand on his shoulder. It was Mumbo.

    "Scar I meant to give you something." Mumbo said turning Scar towards him. Mumbo continued making eye contact as he reached in his pocket and grabbed the crystal, he didn't want Scar running off again.

He held it up to Scar's eye level, forcing his eyes downward. He looked at Scar, he looked like a kid that just saw his new favorite toy, there was a shimmer in his eye. A green sparkle in his already muddy green eyes.

"It's beautiful!" Scar said staring at it in amazement, "Where did you get it?" Scar said reaching out to touch it. Mumbo loosened his grip for Scar to take it, the moment Scar layed finger on the gem, a swirl of Green consumed him.

Mumbo shielded his eyes and blocked his face with his arms for protection. When the smoke had cleared and the magic aura faded he opened his eyes. All that remained was the crystal.

* * *
(Sorry if this is confusing but I forgot about Scars P.O.V... So uhh this is before all the mess with the Crystal)

Missing? W@tcher Grian AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin