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She was sitting talking to her mother-in-law and some of her in-laws. But her eyes weren't shining as usual like they used to shine when she talked. Whenever a new relative came she stood up, and touched all the ladies feet to show her respect to them, or it was a custom which was necessary to follow. She didn't know when the sign of respect turned into a mere custom which was ought to be followed by her as she was the newly wedded woman.

Sitting among those ladies, she was feeling alone. Out of the corners of her eyes, she could see the people enjoying the event with their friends and loved ones. The smile on their face reached their eyes. She was jealous, jealous of all those, who were enjoying it with their true companion and in all those chaos, she was left alone.

Even the person who vowed to be with her in every situation, seemed to forget that he had someone who was looking only for his solace.

After the event was over, no one seemed to remember her. Her mother-in-law left with her father-in-law, her sisters-in-law left with their friends and husbands. The only one she relied on left with his friends-cum-cousins.

That was the moment she decided to make her own identity. She would never be known as someone's wife, someone's daughter-in-law, someone's anyone. She would be, will be her own self. Sure, she will be with them but never ever rely on them for her future. She will make her own future surely with them beside her. But she won't seek their help for anything.

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