On the other side of the door, the atmosphere was quite the contrary to the still, dark outdoors. Telma's Bar was full of energy and light. A few Hylian knights sat around the tables, drinking and whining about the recent troubles in Hyrule. Telma attended the bar, serving drinks and wiping wet cups as she conversed confidently with her customers whom she knew so well. Ilia was with her, and she waited on the customers, bringing them the food they ordered with a sweet smile on her pretty face.

A strategically placed, private table stood at the far end of the room. Its inhabitants were quite engrossed in a serious, pensive conversation. They had an old yellowed map spread across the table and they were civilly discussing ideas with animated gestures.

Rusl was standing from his seat, arms outstretched over the map, talking in a controlled tone while the group listened intently.

At his detailed explanation, Auru asked while rubbing his white beard, "And what do you think resides in this hidden grove?"

"I believe there is an ancient temple — one that might house the power that Link is searching for."

"If that's the case, then that area must be investigated."

Ashei took a sip from her cup and placed it down before intercepting, "Link should be back from Snowpeak any day now. When he returns, we should relay this information to him."

A thought came to Rusl, one that saddened his visage. He didn't voice it, however, but took his seat and inquired, "How long has it been since he left?"

"Three days and a half."

Leaning back in his chair, Auru raised a thought. "After the lad came back from Arbiter's Grounds, he didn't seem like himself."

The table went quiet. Everyone's thoughts settled on the old man's truthful words.

Shad had remained quiet for a while, sitting contently in his seat, listening to the conversation while dwelling on his own conspiracies. He finally spoke up at this comment. "Perhaps the o'l boy just needs a day to recuperate. After all, travelling on foot is no easy task... I should know!" He released a rather goofy chuckle, but no one laughed with him.

"Shad," started Ashei, "you do know he has a horse, right?"

His smile dropped. "Oh. Right. Well, I was only kidding." He cleared his throat, adjusting his bow tie out of habit.

"On a more important note, have you found any more information about the rumours of the sky beings?" suggested Rusl.

"Not quite," the young scholar answered. "I'm still troubled in deciphering these ancient texts." He adjusted his round spectacles in the manner of a gentleman.

Before any of them could add, the door swung open with a creak and as they turned their eyes to the guest, a familiar figure met their gazes. The whole bar seemed to fall quiet at the stranger, mostly for his unusual, noble, green garb and gear, but also for his recent reputation around the kingdom. Some were saying he was the hero who was actively opposing the twilight. Others had their doubts based on his youthfulness.

The hero took cautious steps forward, careful not to look anyone in the eye. The customers stirred up once more, resuming their petty conversations and drinks. As he was passing the bar, Telma's chirpy voice called to him.

"Welcome, honey! Can I get you something to eat?"

To which he graced her with a brief eyeball and a soft reply, "No, thanks."

By the way he dragged his feet and tardily blinked, Telma could tell he was worn out. Her brow creased with concern.

As he approached the table, the group greeted him warmly. He gave them the most polite greeting he could muster.

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