Chapter 4

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I moved quickly. I packed my clothes in my suitcase and said my goodbyes to my mices before going to the living room.

"Aha, are you really leaving, you fool?" Anastasia raised an eyebrow when she noticed the luggage I carry.

I didn't respond to her and continued walking. I'd rather die on the streets than continue to be used by this family as a slave.

I heard Anastasia scoff. "Good luck. Let's see if you can survive a day out there on your own."

Still, I didn't answer her. Instead, I left the house and started walking aimlessly.

To be honest, I didn't know if I'd survive. But, well, I had to give it a try. I could say what was in my heart, without holding back.

I just want a home.

"Even just a small space would be enough," I muttered to myself as I walked with no destination in mind.

Wherever my feet would take me was fine, but I didn't expect to end up where my journey led me.

A soft laugh escaped my lips when I realized where I had arrived. I was back in the woods on the way to the palace. It seemed that my parents wanted to see me again, so they brought me here.

"It feels like I just said I'd be back earlier." I couldn't help but smile.

I looked behind me and realized how far I had come during my pondering. A little more walking, and I would reach the palace.

I decided to stop there. It would be futile to go any further since I no longer had the medallion with me, and I knew they wouldn't let me in without it.

But where would I find a home in a place like this? Maybe I would end up finding a forest troll's house! Should I just go back?

"It's too far." I shook my head. I looked up at the sky and prayed to my parents, if they were listening. "Please, help me find a place to stay for the night. Even a small one will do," I earnestly prayed.

I continued to walk while glancing around, looking for any sign that my parents had heard my prayer, but nothing came up. There was no house in sight, and the rain was about to pour.

It soon started pouring heavily. It was frustrating! Even if it wasn't a house, any shelter would do!

I walked at a brisk pace while searching for any place to take refuge. The surroundings were dense, and it was all trees. Why did I end up here? I couldn't help but blame myself!

"Ouch, damn it!" I grumbled when I tripped over a fallen tree.

My load was heavy, and so was my breathing, but I couldn't stop. If I died from the cold, it would be as if I had proven Elizabeth and her daughters right. I couldn't accept that!

I found it challenging to keep my eyes open due to the relentless rain, but I continued to search for some shelter.

Finally, I succeeded. I almost screamed when I spotted a small house in the woods.

"Who would live in a place like this?" I muttered, confused.

It was puzzling. Still, I pushed my thoughts aside and stopped in my tracks. I need to survive the night.

The house was small, and there was a single light on. Although it seemed abandoned, I thought it would provide some shelter for me, even if it was just for the night.

I didn't hesitate any longer. I ran towards it and knocked on the door. "Hello? Is there anyone here?"

No one answered. I pushed the door, and it turned out it wasn't locked. The rain was getting stronger, and it felt like the heavens were tempting me to do something wrong and enter the place uninvited.

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