Chapter Twenty-Three

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Lyric Williams

Lyric shut her alarm clock off and groaned, she did not feel like going back to work but these bills weren't going to pay themselves. She sluggishly got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower and handle her business. Once she was dressed and prepared she was out the door and on the way to the hospital.

"Nurse Williams, good to have you back." Dr.Stone smiled.

"Good morning Dr.Stone." She smiled before sitting at her desk.

"How was Bora Bora?" He asked leaning over the counter.

Lyric smiled.

"It was amazing, Thank you for asking." She smiled.

He nodded before walking away, she heard a loud squeal that she knew all to familar and smiled.

"Hiiii." Nova said embracing her.

Lyric smiled before hugging her back, she did miss her bestie.

"Hi, I missed you lunch on me?" She asked.

"Deal." Nova smiled before sitting in her desk.

She looked over some charts before standing, she made her way to her first patient. Edgar Wilson, he was a new patient and she was excited to meet him.

"Hello Mr.Wilson, I am Nurse Williams I will be taking care of you today is that alright?" She asked.

He looked up from his phone and smiled.

"That's fine." He said.

Lyric smiled before checking his vitals, she decided to spark up a conversation.

"So I see you were in a minor motorcycle accident." She said.

"Yeah nothing serious, that's what I told my buddy but he insisted I go to the hospital." He scuffed.

"Well he's a good friend then because you had a minor concussion." She explained.

"Nothing some aspirin can't fix." He said.

"You can't take over the counter drugs all the time Mr.Wilson, your vitals are normal please be careful on that motorcycle of yours." She said.

He nodded.

"Yes Ma'am." He smiled.

"Good, I'll let Dr.Robinson know and he'll soon discharge you. Have a good rest of your day." She said turning on her heels.

She's only been here for an hour and she was ready to go, she wondered what Ho-Seok was up to, she checked her pockets for her phone and sighed realizing she was rushing to get out the door in the morning that she left it.

"Nurse Williams, good to see you back."  Ms.Taylor smiled.

Lyric mentally rolled her eyes before placing a tight lip smile on her face.

"Hello Nurse Taylor." She said.

"I hope you had a lot of fun on your little vacation because the director needs an answer today." She said.

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