Chapter Seven

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Lyric Williams

Lyric removed her clothes and shoes at the door before going to take a shower. She turned the shower on and placed her hair in a pony tail. She got into the shower and just bust out crying. Mr.Anderson death hit so hard because he reminded her of her father.

One Year ago

Lyric shook her head as she checked her fathers vitals. This was the first time she stayed at work 7 days straight. She was not leaving the hospital until he was good to discharge.

"Why don't you just go, you've been here for days Lyric." He sighed placing his pen on his notebook.

"Daddy I already told you I ain't going no where so suck it up. Plus you don't be complaining when I bring you Wendy's." She laughed before sitting beside him.

"You right about that, uh listen to me though." He said squeezing her hand.

She locked eyes with him before sitting up. She watched as he removed his glasses and placed his note book on the table.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Ain't nothing wrong listen, you know the time is coming...and when that time do come I want you to be the strong woman I raised you to be." He said.

"Daddy stop talking like that." She sighed.

"It's time for you to stop being in denial, it'll happen and I want you to be strong." He said.

Lyric stood up and sighed.

"I'm going to get some water do you want anything?" She asked dismissing the conversation.

"Lyric we're going to have to have this talk sooner than later." He said

Lyric turned on her heels and walked out of the room. She knew he was right but she couldn't bare to let reality hit her. She grabbed a styrofoam cup and placed it under the water dispenser.


Lyric stepped to the side as doctors and nurses rushed pass her.

"Please don't go to 805 please don't go to 805." She said as her feet slowly dragged behind them.

She picked up the pace when they got closer to her fathers room. Her heard dropped as they entered, she quickly walked inside behind them as Dr.Stone placed the stethoscope on her fathers chest.

Everyone looked at Lyric causing tears to form in her eyes. She pushed pass them and began giving CPR to her father.

"Nurse Lyric." Dr.Stone said.

Lyric shook her head as tears fell down her cheeks.

"Come on...come on Dad." She whispered.

"Lyric, he's gone." Dr.Stone said placing his hand on her shoulder.

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