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I sat up in my bed when I heard the loud knocking on my bedroom door. I rubbed my eyes and said for them to come in, knowing fine well that it would be my father. I was right enough, and he opened the door and peaked his head in.

"Morning Wyn, I'm heading out. I have a few jobs to do today so I won't be home 'til late. Ill come home with groceries though. Do you need money to get yourself some lunch and stuff though?" He asked, knowing downstairs our kitchen was empty. I shook my head, still having money saved from my part time jobs.

"Nah I'll be okay. Thanks though" I say before I yawned and stretched my arms out. I didn't sleep all that well the night before. I never did in a new place, but after a few nights I knew I'd be okay. My fathered nodded at me before walking out and closing my door. Wasn't long before I heard him walk out the front door and then the car engine start. Well, if I wanted to go anywhere looks like I gotta walk.

I got up and got dressed, deciding to go with light blue denim shorts with tights and a baggy band t shirt. I wouldn't say my dress style was anything special. Not too preppy or girly, not too alt. Jeans and a t-shirt queen. For now, I just wore black socks because what psycho wears shoes in the house; and grabbed my hairbrush. I brushed my curly brown hair and just left it down. I rarely ever put my hair up, though I put it in a ponytail whenever I cook or work out.

My green eyes scanned my face as I looked in the mirror that was in my bedroom and nodded. I was happy with my appearance, five foot seven and curvy, but certainly not voluptuous. Even if I did, my body was usually hidden under a baggy shirt or hoodie when it was cold.

Once dressed, I decided to head downstairs in the quiet house. I hummed softly as I walked through the living room and into the kitchen towards the backdoor. The woods behind the house looked a lot less spooky in the day light, almost peaceful. As a child I did enjoy spending time in the woods, climbing trees and catching bugs. I particularly enjoyed swimming in rivers or creeks when the weather was warm enough, however the November weather had a chill in the air.

A branch snapping caught my attention as I looked out to the woods. I knew there was a slim chance but a chance none the less of a bear or maybe a wolf. I instead hoped for a deer. I tried to look between the trees, looking for a set of eyes or a flash of movement. Nothing. I was tired, maybe I imagined it. I decided to just head inside, locking the door behind me.

I felt bored, but at the same time not completely sure what I wanted to do. Dad wouldn't be home until late, and I didn't have friends in the area. Hmm, library perhaps? Maybe a coffee shop? Fuck it. I could visit both and explore. I did enjoy just putting my headphones in and listening to a podcast or music and just wandering around. Was it the safest? Probably not, but I never did it after dark.

I had made my choice, grabbing the keys my father had left for me on the coffee table, my black pull over hoodie and my headphones I walked out the house and locked the door behind me. Let's see what Stonegate had to offer.

Nothing. This tiny town had nothing. It was quiet, felt grey and cold. For once I hoped we wouldn't stay here long. I had managed to stop by the cute café I had seen yesterday though, so my walk wasn't totally a waste. I kept walking with my headphones blasting my current podcast episode of "distractable" and I swung my backpack off and opened it. I knew I had a snack in here, and I was starting to get a little hungry. Though, if I had at least taken my headset off, I'd have heard the "Look out!" that came from in front of me.

We were both on the floor, and I let out a small grunt. I had fallen forward, scraping my knees and my headphones lay beside me broken in two. I turned around to see what I had bumped in to and winced. My lack of paying attention managed to knock over a girl on a bike, and she was on the ground on her butt, looking a little dazed.

"Oooooh my god I am SO sorry" I said, ignoring my bloodied knees to go to her and help her up. She stood up her brown eyes meeting mine and softening. She didn't seem too upset I had caused her to crash.

"Its alright I'm fine, but your bleeding! Shit are you alright girly?" She asked me, dusting herself off and looking down at my knees. I looked down then back up at her, my cheeks reddening.

"I'm uh, I'll be fine. I live like, right down the street" I say, looking down at my bloody knees and growing a little faint. I didn't do great with blood. I felt a little woozy, my face paling. "I'll be okay".

The girl shook her head, grabbing my arm. Maybe I looked a little worse than I felt. "Let me help get you home at least girly" she said. Should I be letting a stranger walk me home? Probably not, but in the same breath I did appreciate her help.

Walking into my new home, she helped me upstairs into the bathroom where I sat on the edge of the bath. Luckily there was a first aid kit in the cabinet, and the brown eyed girl was quick to find it. Grabbing a wipe, she started by cleaning the bloody scrapes on my knees.

"You got a name, or will I just refer to you as the girl I almost ran over?" She asked, lifting her eyes to meet mine. I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, trying to distract myself from the stinging pain in my knees.

"Bronwyn. My name is Bronwyn Briggs" I say, watching her. "Yours?"

"Mines is less pretty. I'm Aubrey, its nice to meet you Bronwyn" she said with a smile, putting a large band-aid on each knee. "There" she said, standing up and putting the first aid kit away. I looked down at my knees, feeling a little sheepish and embarrassed. "Thanks Aubrey" I say as I stand up.

"Don't worry about it" She smiled. "I'll get going, it was nice to meet you though!" She said, making her way downstairs. I followed her down, standing by the door as she walked out. "See you around" she said, smiling and turning around, pulling out her phone and texting by the looks of it. I didn't think much of it, closing and locking my front door.

"You were right. It's the empty house on Oakwood Drive. He's not alone".

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