Gigo's Book

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Hey (Y/N)! Would you like to go on a date this Saturday!? It would be so fancy! You're choice.

"Sure! That would be amazing! Is it ok if you pick? I picked last time *laughs*"

Oh sure! That's fine, I will text you where. Is that fine?

"Yeah, of course! Oh also, I wanna thank you for listening to my childhood, most people don't get to know me as well. I'm glad I have you in my life!"

Aww! Thank you so much! I'm so glad I'm here with you, I want to be with you forever. I love you so much!

"I love you so much too!"

Well, I gotta jump, I will text you the place tonight! Love you!

"Ok! Looking forward to it, I love you too!"

-Saturday comes around, and you wait at you're house for Bee to pick you up, she gets there then both of you start to talk about her childhood.-

My childhood?

Yeah, if you want to say of course!

Oh, of course! Hmm where to start.. well I have two mom's, and my Mama's donor lived close to us so i knew my "dad" pretty well. But my mom had a problem having kids with the same donor, and last a lot of babies.. which kinda made both my mom's fight, but after awhile my mom had my brother. Sadly he passed away when he was 8 weeks old. But both my mom's knew they had a child they loved with their lives.

Aww I feel so bad for you're mom, I wish your brother would have lived longer. But I'm glad you have two loving parents! I'm really glad to hear that!

Thank you! There still together this day! Sadly my donor passed away a few years ago, but he was a great man.

Oh I'm sorry about that, I'm glad you got to know him though!

Thank you! I am too.

-You and Bee get to the restaurant, and get a seat.-

Oh my God! This is so beautiful Bee!

Aww thanks! My best friend owns this place! Have you ever heard of Asmodeus?

Of course! He's the man of love! With the worst kept secret in hell.

Ha- yeah. But if he comes by, don't say anything about that.

Oh of course not. Is Fizzarolli here?

Most the time he is, so must likely.

Oh cool! I love both of them! There great.

They are! So.. I asked you here today, to show you something, and to give you something I think you'll like.

Oh? What is it!?

Well, it's a book.

Ooh? What kind?

I'll let you see for yourself.

Oh ok.

-Hands you a book- here, I was told it's a sad book but I think you may like this.

Gigo's Book, where did you get this..?

From a little friend. I just felt bad that you lost Gigo from someone I think of as a brother.

Oh no, it's ok! These type of things happen, I mean we're in hell.

Yeah, but he shouldn't have done that.

True.. how long did this take you to get?

Just w few hours, he's fast at making books.

Wow, that's amazing!

I really hope this book helps you, he seems like an amazing man! With a sweet heart.

He really was, I miss him so much.

I'm sorry, I really wish he wouldn't have done that.

It's ok, we are in hell.

Hell yeah we are! But he was incorrect.


Oh hey Bee! How's it going?

Hey Ozzie! It's going great! What's up with you!?

Oh you know, just runnin’ my businesses, and hanging out with my fizzy-frog!

Aww that's adorable! I'm glad you told everyone.

Kind of same.. it's hard now, everyone knows, which is perfectly fine with us. But they don't take me seriously anymore.

Damn, that's fucked up man. I really hope it gets better!

Thanks Babe! I hope so too, Fizz has a hard time with not working for Mammon, he feels like he has to do ten times better at everything now.

Damn, poor baby! Hopefully soon he won't be like that.

I hope so, it hurts me to see him like this. But anyways, who's this?

Oh shit! I'm so sorry! This is (Y/N), their the best person I've ever known! And the sweetest!

Aww thank you! I'm so glad I met her!

Aww that's so sweet! You two look amazing together!

Thanks Ozz!

No problem! Just yell if ya need me! *Winks*

Of course, babe!

-Later you, Bee, and a few other's start drinking. The other people know Bee from away back, so you try to be friends with them, but they make it pretty hard to like them.-

*Laughs* remember back in the day when we blew up people! God I miss that.

True, but I became the queen of gluttony! So now we can blow up anything!

Whoa! I'm so glad you're the ruler of gluttony, you're fucking awesome! Bee.

Thanks! Zona, I'm just glad I have someone to share my happiness with!

Aww thank you, Bee!

Uh huh. They don't seem like the type to blow up shit for no reason, right?

Well.. kinda, I mean it seems fun, I've never blown anything up.

That's fine! I can take you to my favorite place one date night! How's that sound (Y/N)?

Amazing! I can't wait to try it out!

Mm hmm, well we've blown people up, not boring cardboard figures.

I don't blow people up anymore. That was a past experience that i regret.

That's boring! Don't be so stuck up. It's just hell borns, wanna be nothings that mean nothing. Hopeless loser's, and criminals.

You're wrong! I'm a hell born. Not every hell borns do that! It's a stereotype. That assholes make just cause their bored.

Wow.. babe! That was beautiful! You should write a book. But their right. Not all hell borns are criminals, and no one is a loser. The only thing hopeless is you two, making IMPS feel bad for something they can't do anything about.

So!? We don't give a shit about how they feel.

Zona, you literally go on and on about not being homophobic/Transphobic but turn around and make fun of people just cause how they we're born. Shame.

Uh.. so..? Whatever! I don't care! Let's go Ali!

Yeah! Fuck you Bee. I thought you we're cool.

Ok! Have fun!

-The two leave, both you and Bee start to talk about Bee's past. How she ended up in hell, and how she became the queen of Gluttony!-

My love forever(Queen Bee x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now