First party

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*Oh my.. this is so fancy, I think I undressed..*

Thank you.

Your welcome, have fun at your first party!

Thank you! I hope i do.

*Shit.. everybody is so pretty.*

Hey Y/N! How's it going?

Oh hey Milo, uh.. little nervous but I'm good. How about you?

Yeah being nervous is normal, but you got this! Also, I'm great.

That's good!

Oh shit, I'll be back. Ok?

Oh yeah, it's ok.

*Everyone's staring at me.. why did I come?*

Uh.. hello, i-i just wanted to tell you your outfit is pretty!

*Looks you up and down* Thanks. Is there something you want?

Oh, i-i just don't know.. I'm sorry for bothering you.

No your fine, I guess. I'm Tammy, and you?

Hi Tammy, I'm (Y/N) it's nice to meet you.

Mhm, let's get you a drink.

Oh no I'm ok, I don't drink.

*Laughs* Oh honey you're at Queen Bee's party, which means you will drink at some point tonight. So let's just get you one before some creep tries, k?

Fine.. but just one.

Mhm sure, let's go.

Ok, *Queen Bee? I thought she was on the other side of town.*

Hey let's get two Hell's asshole.

Right up! Shall be been in approximately 5 minutes.

Ok, Thanks.

Thank you.

So are you dating? Cause if not I'm not shocked.

No I'm not.. but I'd like to.

Mhm, well good luck *kinda whispers* you need it.

*What's her problem?*

Two Hell's asshole's!

Thanks babe, keep up the work.

Sure! Next up!


Oh, uh thank you.

Mhm, so you here to find love?

No not really, but if I do then that's ok.

Mhm, so you come to a party, you don't drink and you don't come for love, then what did you come for?

My friend invited me.

Sure, that's why your with me.


-Later Tammy gets drunk and leaves you to drink alone-

*Shit.. I'm alone again, this drink sucks.*

What is up! I am Queen Bee, but just for tonight you can call me Bee! I hope your drunk as hell! And happy, got a question? Then ask me anything! I'll help with any fucking thing! Mmm k babes, have fun, get drunk! And got fucked up! Whoa!!

*Holy.. she's so pretty, I can't believe i am seeing her in person.*

-Walks over to Bee-

He-hello, I have a question for you.

Hello babe! What's up bitch!?

*Bitch..?* Uh.. so I'm new to going to party's, and I only know one person.

Oh shit, sorry about that boo! You wanna hang with the big bitch?

O-oh! Uh sure! That would be great, thank you.

Of course! What's your name?

(Y/N) is Queen Bee your official name?

Nah, my official name is Beelzebub! Your outfit is fucking cute, where'd you get it!?

Oh sweet, I got it from Hell's tiny puppets.

Oh hell yeah, that's a sick place!

Thank you, so.. are you dating anyone?

Oh no, not as of right now.

Oh I'm sorry.

No! It's good, I am open to date *whispers* any gender, anyone!

Oh sweet, same here, I like personality other then gender.


-You and Bee talk for hours, you get Bee's number.-

Thank you for a great fucking night! Text me boo!

You're welcome, of course I will! It was great hanging out with you!

Thanks boo!

-Going home-

My love forever(Queen Bee x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now