Chapter 41

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It wasn't until after everyone woke up the next day that Robin revealed herself to them. She had deigned a spot at the table when Sanji came into the kitchen, but he didn't do anything aside from nod at her. Luffy had fallen asleep at the table the previous night, but she was fairly sure the young captain had been aware of her since she stepped foot onto the ship shortly before they'd left Alabasta.

Zoro was next to notice her. At first, he was apprehensive about her being there, but soon pushed the thoughts aside. Sanji wasn't doing anything to push her out, so neither would he. Though, the cook wouldn't do anything negative to a lady, so that wasn't much to go off of. When he noticed Luffy sleeping with her in the room, Zoro deemed her safe for now and took his seat on his captain's right.

Nami, Usopp, and Chopper ended up coming in together. At first, they didn't notice the new person, but it didn't take them long before her presence registered. Nami had sat opposite her and stared for a second before saying it was too early and waiting for Sanji to give her her morning tea. Usopp and Chopper took seats on either side of her, intending to sit beside one another. They both promptly screamed and jumped away.

Luffy groaned at the noise and Zoro glared at the two and silence dominated the ship. Luffy had been awake for nearly three days and nights. While the others had been sleeping yesterday and last night, Luffy had been awake to make sure they stayed on course. He wasn't sure how his captain had done it without knowing how to sail, but he wasn't going to mention it to the others. It's probably just a Luffy thing anyway. Zoro was ashamed to admit that he had fallen asleep at some point, but he could've sworn he'd heard Luffy talking to someone while he was awake. He hadn't heard any responses, though, so he brushed it off.

The group was as quiet as they could be so that Luffy could sleep. It wasn't until Sanji was bringing the food to the table when Luffy woke up. The crew then lapsed into their normal breakfast behavior and Robin decided to introduce herself to the crew properly.

"My name is Nico Robin." she smiled at the pirates. She had to admit, the suspicious looks hurt a bit, but she knew they were well deserved. "Ill be joining you all from now on."

Usopp was the next to speak. "I don't know how you got here, but don't think you'll earn my trust that quickly, lady."

Luffy, still very much tired, piped up from his seat, "Shishishi! I invited her."

"Why?" Chopper asked.

"She's got a crazy dream," he yawned, "She'll fit right in." Then, he stood and left the galley, leaving the crew to their interrogation. He knew they'd warm up to her, so he wasn't too worried. Besides, he needed a nap. Taking his place on the Merry's head, asked her to wake him if anything happens, and fell asleep as she answered affirmative.


"Did you know that our captain talks to the ship?" Robin asked the second the galley door closed behind the topic of her question.

"He does?" Nami asked.

Robin nodded. "Yes, I heard him talk to her yesterday after you all had gone to your rooms. He asked her to keep on course and I could swear she answered him."

"So I wasn't imagining it." Zoro muttered.


"What?" Chopper asked, "What're you talking about?"

Sanji tapped off his cigarette into the smoke tray on the table and said, "Luffy's talking to the Merry, and I assume she's responding." Of course, he knew why Merry was answering, but he wasn't going to tell the others this. "There's an old sailor's tale about something like that happening, but I can't really remember it."

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