Chapter 40

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Despite what anyone says, the trip through the desert was exceedingly fun. For Luffy, a least. Chopper had grown up on a Winter Island, so he was miserable the entire time. Ace was just fine because his Devil Fruit had rewritten his genetic make up so that he was made of fire and therefore basically immune to heat. Luffy was rubber, so he felt like he was melting at times, but he was overall having a really fun time walking around. He'd decided to drink cactus juice again and had gone on what Ace - who hadn't gotten lost this time - called a trip. It was weird and he'd not recommend it.

Zoro and Sanji hadn't complained about the heat or walking or water or anything for the entire time. If they had, no one and heard them. Though, Zoro had mentioned that he didn't like being the one to drag Chopper around on the slab of wood. Sanji kept offering to carry the girls, but they turned him down every time. When night fell, though, and it was cooler, Chopper let the girls ride on his back until they set up camp. Usopp was much like Chopper, except he'd lived in the East Blue all his life, so the temperature wasn't effecting him as much. Though, he made sure to make his displeasure known.

At the end of the second day, after the group had set up camp, Ace had waited until everyone was asleep before he pulled Luffy to the side and a bit away from everyone. He' noticed the night before that his little brother was waiting until everyone was asleep before he allowed himself to, despite the fact that he turned in earlier than them.

"I want you to tell me how much you know about what's been going on with my crew." Ace said. He hadn't forgotten about the conversation he'd had on the Going Merry - Luffy had told him the name of his ship when they left it docked - and he wanted answers before he went home.

Luffy didn't say anything for a long moment, trying to remember what Marco had told him so that there weren't any inconsistencies in the story. "I came across some rumors just after I left home about a man who called himself Blackbeard." he began, "I had someone check the information for me. When they came back, I started to look for ways to contact Captain Whitebeard-" That was another thing Ace wanted to ask about, but he'd hold off for now. "-to tell him what I had heard and what I knew. I managed to get a hold of Marco, so I relayed to him so he could pass the information on. I was keeping him updated on what I knew and he kept me updated on what was happening on the Moby Dick. When Marco got hurt, Whitebeard called me and told me what had happened and thanked me for the information. Honestly, I'm glad he's okay." While it wasn't all lies, Luffy wondered when he'd gotten better at that little flaw of his. Was it really a flaw anymore? He hoped so. Being perfect sounded like too much work. It was something a hero was, and Luffy was not a hero.

Ace let himself think for a moment. The story checked out. There were a few details added that Marco had left out when he told the Division Commanders what was going on and vice versa. But, that's to be expected. As far as he knew, Luffy couldn't lie to save his life, so what he said had to be true. That begge a few more questions, but he could get those answers from Marco or Whitebeard. He did want to know one more think, though. "Why do you call Pops 'Captain'? You're not on his crew."

"Because you respect him." Luffy also respects him, but he wasn't going to divulge that information right now. "You respect him, so I respect him. Marco also respects him." he added as an afterthought.

The two brothers didn't say anything for several long minutes, content to sit in companionable silence before they had to go their separate ways again. When Luffy stood to go to his sleeping bag by the fire, Ace spoke.

"I have to leave tonight." he said. Luffy din't turn to face him. "I'll be gone by morning."

Still not turning, Luffy responded in a voice akin to a whisper, "Be safe. Go straight back to your ship, please. I don't want anything to happen to you."

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