A clingy reader

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Well, she doesn't mind that much, considering she's extremely touched starved.

But, she still has a image of "angsty/rebellious teen" to keep up. So she'll try to "force" you away from her.

When that inevitably fails; she would be slightly annoyed, but won't really do anything about it.

It's not that she hates you being clingy, just that she needs her own space too.



He doesn't mind that much.

Really, the only time you were to see him annoyed by your clingyness is if you suddenly just won't stop bothering him if he's in the middle of something.

At the same time, he'd be hypocritical because he's more likely to cling to you as soon as the relationship starts because for a long time, he went without little to none affection from neither J or V.

Back to the topic at hand; he'd be a bit happy (though, probably not when he's in the middle of something) that you rely on him for a lot of affection, because he can give you what V and J didn't.



In all honesty, she would not know what to do.

She hasn't been one to give much affection. Because most of the time; she was either busy killing murder drones or too busy bullying the shit out of N. Other times, she usually with you either acting as a flirty nuisance or just being there.

That being said, she's not used to this type of clingy behavior.

J usually doesn't bother to give that much praise to either V nor N, so she doesn't have any reference material to go off of.

So she'd try to act normal as she can when it comes to you.



She doesn't really care.

...At least that's what she'd try to tell you. She's internally panicking because she has no experience with this type of behavior, since it's not like V or N went out of their way to try and get her affection.

 For as long as she can remember, she's been too busy with the mission in order to care about something a menial as having to face someone being clingy. So when someone that she cares about; like you suddenly become clingy, she has no idea what to do.

She'll try to act neutral when you suddenly do something like... I dunno... Hug her from behind.

Meanwhile she's suppressing the urge to blush because she doesn't want to show herself being somewhat vulnerable.



For the longest time, ever since her parents died, she hadn't had to deal with someone being so annoyingly close as you are with her.

But now that's the reality she's living in now.

She would have no clue what to do. When it comes with someone trying to be clingy or just socializing in general, she would just ignore them or just walk away. Your case was different because she was practically forced to work with you.

So when you two got together, and you turned out to be clingy, she literally thought about breaking it off with you, because she initially though she would have to kill you in order to go through with her plan to kill V.

When she inevitably figured out that you didn't want anything to do with the prom, which was surprising because of how clingy you are, she half expected you to ask to go with her, she ruled that possibility out.

Other than ruining her vibe a bit, I don't think she would really care about you being clingy.



She doesn't particularly mind.

It's not like her parents give her any of the attention that she and you thought she deserved. And considering that they barely give a shit about their own worker drones, you both half expected them to kick you out of the mansion when they figured out how clingy you were.

When they didn't -because plot- both of you were pleasantly surprised. Considering how cruel her parents were, she expected them to call the police on you. 

With her reaction to you being clingy is one of welcomed surprise.

Since her parents -again- don't give her any attention, she's practically fanatic when she's with you in your clingy state. 

In her mind, it's a long time coming of someone finally giving her actual love. Of course, her drones do love her to an extent, but they aren't clingy. 

Just don't try to appeal to her parents if your clingy. That won't end well.


The Virus

Well, you're in luck! She can't really leave you in a way that matters!

Considering when she was with the elliots, they practically treated her like she shouldn't exist; baring Tessa.

So when she's with you who doesn't want to leave her alone, it'll go one of two ways: She'll just flat out leave, not permanently, but just when it get's overwhelming. Or she'll just deal with it.

"Ohhh noooo, my lover is constantly clinging to me and giving me the love that my other family never gave me much of. Ohhh noooo..."

In other words, she doesn't care that much. She might even start to enjoy it.


If you hadn't guessed already, My boost of motivation of writing came back.  It's been so long *coughs in week*

Word Count: 843

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