Closer call than before. (Thad x Reader)

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The doodle above is by me. Just a silly sketch of Tessa and Y/N and has no significant meaning. It's also ver bad

Requested by Deimos85


"So, what's new my dude?" I asked, just about 5 feet away from the bunker door. He just looked over my way and scoffed playfully.

"Well, not too much, other than walking out of the bunker with you scavenging for parts that probably aren't even useful." Thad deadpanned.

This was my 5th time this month having to go out for scavenging duty, (seriously, how are they going through these parts so fast?) and Thad had offered to come along, but I immediately rejected it. 

But, of course he insisted on coming along, just to 'Keep me safe'. But I know he's just as scared of these murder drones than anybody else. Including me.

So, case and point: we're on our way to to one of the buildings to try and get parts that MIGHT be useful.

Thad coughed and spoke up on the way to the building. "So, why do you keep agreeing to go out here constantly?" 

I took a minute to think of a good response. 

"Who else is going to do it?"

Thad almost immediately responded, as if he knew I was going to say that. "The WDF."

"You mean the same WDF that sends civilian worker drones out here defenseless to grab parts that we aren't even sure that might be useful all the while there are cannibalistic murder drones out here trying to commit a mass genocide? That WDF?"

That had seemed to catch Thad off guard. It seemed that he wasn't expecting that response. 

We had made it to the building, seemingly unscathed. Then again, with all this snow you could never tell the difference.

"Alright." Thad started. "Where and what are we doing first?" You looked at him exasperated, because you had just made it to where you needed to be.

"...Thad, we're already here."

He took a minute to look around and sheepishly nodded. "Ah, my bad."

"Don't worry about it." You quickly responded before speaking up again. "Alright, here's what we need."

You then proceeded list out everything you needed. Thad gave you a salute before walking to one of the shelves. (You learned that it was a superstore prior to the planetary explosion)

You walked along the superstore, looking for things like computers, TV's, and whatever you thought was cool or necessary.

Thad had called out to you. "Hey Y/N, what do we need to get?" 

You called back. "Whatever you think is cool. They really don't care what you get." There was silence for a moment before he called back.

"Then why are we here?" 

"I don't know honestly." 

Another moment of silence.

"Can we get out of here before we die?" Thad called out again. 

Just as he said that, you could have sworn that you heard movement above you. You snapped your head up to investigate.

"Y/N?" Thad called out again. You stayed quiet again, listening closely. You slowly inched your way over to Thad's location, keeping an eye on the movement. 

Thad had, at this point, heard the noise too, but decided to keep talking.

"Y/N if your there, scream!" At this point, you could tell he was stalling. The disassembly drone is probably trying to make him feel hopeless, making him think that you left him for dead.

Obviously, it didn't work. You didn't leave him before, you won't start now.

For a second, in the vents, you could have sworn you saw an X marker. But it disappeared as soon as you saw it. 

You had reached for the pocket knife you had brought with you. You knew things were about to go down. Thad seemed to know this too.

You had heard a second noise. So now you knew there was two of them.

There's no way you get out of this.

You had made it into view point of Thad. He looked over to you. You had motioned towards the door. 

He nodded and started inching his way over there. You hadn't taken your eyes off of the vents openings.

Something had crashed through the ceiling.

You had gotten knocked back while Thad had made it out of the door. You hoped he wouldn't come back.

Getting a better view of what crashed through the ceiling, you saw the the drone had sharp wings, a feminine look, and had a suit and tie.

It didn't matter to you anyway. You had threw the pocket knife at one of the bulbs on their heads. And by some miracle, you had managed to hit one of them. 

They had recoiled back, screaming and trying to pull out the knife unsuccessfully.

At this point, you had tried to take your chance to run out of the building as well, but was stopped when another drone had smashed through the ceiling in front of you.

It looked like another feminine robot, but you didn't take the time to get to know here and tried to bail out of there before they could kill you.

This backfired though, and you had suddenly have a tail wrapped around you neck.

Yeah this is the end.

...An end that never came. 

Thad had came up behind the drone and stabbed them with a pen that he found. This made the drone that was holding you let go.

At this point, the drone behind you had finally gotten the knife out and started healing itself. 

You and Thad had quickly gotten out of there before it was too late.


"Thad?" You had asked.


"Never yell across a store like that ever again."

You two had made it out of there by the skin of your teeth. Since running was your best friend at the moment, you and that had made a mad dash towards a random bunker that by some miracle, was your bunker. Or, rather, the WDF's bunker.

"Y/N. Can we just go watch a movie?" Thad had practically begged. You just looked over to him and nodded.

"Yeah, let's go over there." You responded.

You two had started to walk over to the movie theater that your bunker so conveniently had.

"Well," You had started. "All things considered, that was a Closer call than before."



Sorry it took me so long to finish this one-shot btw. And sorry that it isn't as long as I would've liked.


Word Count: 1048

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