50 Follower Special

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So, were halfway to a hundred followers and as of this chapter, 30 chapters away from a hundred chapters. So, to show my appreciation for sticking around this long, I decided to make this chapter for yall.

---How to fluster them and Their pick up lines---


She can be easily flustered under the right circumstances.

Whether that be you come up to her and hug her by surprise, compliment her endlessly, or in rare circumstances; just being there.

But that being said, she will try her damnest to try and get you back. One of the ways she does this is...

Pick up lines!

"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put 'U' and 'I' together."

"...Uzi that was so bad-"



I see him as getting easily flustered.

Not to the point where you can do it endlessly, but pretty close.

Giving him a random compliment, hugging him randomly, or just staring at him for a few moments.

But I imagine his pick up lines being somewhat cheesy.

"If you were a chicken, you'd be impeccable."


"Get it? Because chickens have beaks and they can peck?"

"N why are you constantly coming up with cheesy pick up lines?"

"Well, I guess you can say I'm all cheesed out!"

"N, no."



I mentioned this in a previous chapter that I'm not going to bother to dig up, but she would be flirty as hell with you.

The only real way to fluster her is if you give her a genuine compliment. I think that would catch her off guard enough for that to fluster her.

But she's flirty, so she'll get you back eventually.

"Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got FINE written all over you."

"...Please stop."



I don't really see her getting flustered easily.

She's addicted to her job, so any job related pick up lines would work with her I think???

At the same time, she'd be pretty bad with pick up lines herself.

"Did you just come out of the oven? Because you're hot."

"Thank you...?"

"What's with that look?"

"It's hard to tell if your joking or not with that voice-"



She does not get flustered. Not visually at least.

She does get flustered whenever you compliment her endlessly, or hug her randomly, but she won't show it.

Her pick up lines would be kind of bland or sad too.

"Если бы звезда излечивала печаль, твое сердце было бы пусто от печали. (If a star would cure sadness, your heart would be empty of sadness.)"




She can get easily flustered.

Hugging, complimenting. She finds staring a bit weird but sure? A lot of things could get her flustered.

She will also do the same to you. Just not the staring part.

And, you guessed it. Pick up lines.

"Know what's on the menu? Me 'n' u."


"Wha- Y/N no what-"


"Y/N, STOP-!"


The Virus.

I don't see her getting flustered as easily as say, Uzi or Tessa. But she can still get flustered.

Probably not from hugs though. Since she's a shadowy figure.

Compliments would probably get her though.

Her pick up lines would be a bit cheesy though.

"Are you a magician? Because when I'm looking at you, you make everyone else disappear!"

"You mean you make everyone else disappear?"

"Same difference."

"It really isn't-"


I just want to say this again, thanks for the 50 followers. I'm genuinely a bit shocked that I got this far. I did kind of plan on giving up after writing a few scenarios and being done with it, but decided against it.

So thanks again, and have a good day and night!

Word Count: 557

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