As Armanio spat out blood and struggled to regain his footing, Bishop towered over him, breathing heavily. "I warned you," he snarled. "Now get out of here before I finish what I've started." With one final glare, Mijako's brother turned away from the intruder and back towards his family.

One can only imagine the seething anger that coursed through Bishop, witnessing the male having zero intention of leaving. This trespass upon their family sanctuary had finally crossed every boundary of forgiveness he swore never to allow again. In a swift movement, Bishop rushed towards Armanio like a furious storm as horrified eyes followed closely.

The crowd held its breath while time seemed to slow down for those inescapable moments – moments when two fists incapable of forgiveness met a face that should have turned back long ago. The crackling sounds of well-aimed punches sent tremors reverberating around the undignified silence.

Heavy breaths poured forth, and malice settled onto Bishop's knuckles as blood dripped from them. When each punch shattered further remnants of Mijako and Armanio's tenuous past, all onlookers felt tension mixed with bitter satisfaction. The night air shivered around them as one by one they were forced to bear witness to this gut-wrenching scene.

Armanio, reduced to a withering heap of pulp and sadness, was barely recognizable. It was then that Mijako's mother interjected, putting her foot down firmly as she cried out that enough was enough.

Muttering a low growl of disdain, Bishop grudgingly relented. As he walked away from the crumpled mess before him, his eyes lingered on Mijako for just a moment.

The guests were left with the heavy weight of this painful encounter. Pained concern mixed with a sense of relief clung in the air like fog as they attempted to resume some semblance of normalcy in navigating the evening's festivities.

Siraj's instincts took over, and he smoothly excused himself from Mijako's side.

"Excuse me," he said with a polite smile. "May I use your restroom?" Mijako nodded with an understanding smile as she returned to her conversation with her cousin Tina.

Siraj made his way through the crowded house, keeping Armanio in his peripheral vision while maintaining a calm demeanor. Once outside, he stealthily approached Armanio who was still lingering near the exit.

Silently approaching from behind, Siraj swiftly wrapped one arm around Armanio's neck while securing his assailant's arms with another. As Armanio struggled desperately for breath, Siraj whispered sharply into his ear.

"You should've known better than to come here tonight, you'll never have her again."

The surprise in Armanio's eyes quickly turned to terror as he felt himself losing consciousness. Carefully tightening his grip around Armanio's neck and cutting off blood flow to his brain, Siraj ensured that no blood would spill onto him.

After a few moments, Armanio's body went limp, deprived of oxygen long enough to cease surviving. Siraj carefully lowered the lifeless body to the ground to avoid attracting attention with a loud thud. His hands were still blood-free – exactly as he had intended.

Siraj loomed menacingly over the lifeless form, a sinister grin spreading across his face as he drew in sharp, invigorating breaths. He was acutely aware that this was just the initial phase of his nefarious plans, particularly concerning Mijako. The time for action was at hand, and there remained much to accomplish, countless intricate challenges to surmount.

Quietly, Siraj disappeared back into the gathering, having eliminated the dangerous presence that Armanio posed. The balance had been restored for Mijako and her family, and no one was any wiser about the silent altercation that had taken place outside.

As Siraj rejoined Mijako's side at the barbecue, she looked up at him with an innocent smile. "What took you so long?" she asked playfully.

Siraj simply smiled back and replied, "I got a call baby, about the club, I'm here now," keeping his deadly secret safe.

Mijako's heart pounded in her chest as she glanced around the lavishly decorated dining room filled with powerful and notorious mafia figures. An eerie silence hung over the air as a mixture of tension and curiosity enveloped each person present.

Siraj, with his smooth gait and imperturbable demeanor, escorted Mijako out of the room, barely giving her mafia family a second glance.

As they stepped into the dimly lit hallway that led to the main entrance, Mijako's gaze flickered between her lover Siraj, the only person who genuinely understood her complicated life, and the mysterious exit that held numerous secrets beyond it. Unease gripped her every nerve; she could not shake off a lingering dread settling deep in her gut.

As though sensing Mijako's growing anxiety, Siraj reached for her quivering hand and enveloped it within his warm embrace. The solace he offered comforted her frayed nerves momentarily. His voice was soft yet firm as he whispered to her, "Remember Mija, we're in this together."

She nodded hesitantly as they approached the massive wooden doors barring their way to freedom. With a deep breath, Siraj shoved them open to reveal the cold night that awaited them. Moonlight spilled over the opulent mansion's entranceway, casting stark shadows on its grounds – it somehow felt ominous like an omen for things to come.

Inhaling sharply at the chill breeze that brushed against their skin, Mijako and Siraj stepped outside whereupon they were met with the lifeless body of Armanio—the forsaken. Upon realizing who it was before them, Mijako let out a choked gasp.

"What– how?! Who would do this in front of our house? Fuck!" she exclaimed, frozen in shock. Armanio's corpse lay devoid of any blood, his face contorted in fear as if robbed of life in the midst of a terrifying encounter.

Beside her, a sinister smile crept onto Siraj's face, unbeknownst to her in the moment of her stunned anguish. He feigned sympathy while masking his actual relief and hidden malevolence. "It seems he met an unfortunate fate," he spoke cryptically, unable to fully conceal a faint quiver of delight in his voice.

Mijako stared at the body with increasing frustration, tears streaming down her cheeks. And despite being surrounded by the nefarious members of her mafia family that would not hesitate to kill or be killed, she had never imagined it would take place before their family home.

As her knees buckled under the weight of the news, Siraj stood wickedly smirking at Armanio's body. The stark contrast between Mijako's devastation and Siraj's maniacal gleam further accentuated the darkness that had seeped into their lives on this unforgettable night.

Their world was upended – every move and decision made from here on would dictate their fate amidst deception and death. And although Mijako remained unaware of it for now, the man whose hand she clutched tightly to her heart was also responsible for robbing what remained of its innocence.

Mijako's heart raced, a torrent of emotions coursing through her veins as she urgently beckoned her brother Bishop to attend to the lifeless form sprawled across the cold ground. The night air hung thick with tension as the grim task unfolded before them. With a steely gaze, Mijako turned her attention away from the macabre scene, her mind set on a single task.

She swept up beside Siraj, her trusted confidant and protector. Together, they swiftly retreated into the darkness, their silhouettes mere shadows amidst the chaos that had unfolded. The duo moved in perfect synchronization, their steps perfectly balanced and matched just as their minds had been in this regrettable yet unavoidable situation.

Their destination was Mijako's haven, her sanctuary hidden deep within the twists and turns of side streets and alleys that she knew like the back of her hand. Being enveloped and sheltered by those familiar walls would grant them a brief respite from the turmoil that now weighed heavily on their souls.

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