(Ch. 3) Past Troubles

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Art Above: Drawn by ME!!!! I love this drawing sm <3

-TW's- abuse mentions?, Panic Attacks :3

King POV

King was playing Hexis Holdem with Luz and Eda. 

"Stop!!!! Let me winnnn!!! I wanna be the king of card games!!" King wined. Luz chuckled and pat him on his head. 

"You can't be the king of everything ya know. Eda is always gonna beat us at this game whether you like it or not." The human said to King, giving the titan a big hug. 

"But thats because she cheats!!!" King pouted. 

"True, True. You've got a point there." Luz said, then she looked at Eda. 

"Heeeyyyyy! It's not my fault I'm so good at it!!" Eda chuckled before putting down a wild card. "AND I WIN AGAIN!!! HAHA!" 

King looked at the ground and sighed. Luz noticed this and gave him another big hug. "Hey. You good little buddy?" She asked him. 

"Well... I don't know. I just miss..." 

"The Collector?" Luz asked, finishing his sentence.

"Yeah..." King said giving Luz a hug. 

"Hey! Its ok, I bet they'll visit sometime!"

"Yeah but I doubt that'll be for a while, they need time to unwind." 

"Well yeah..." 

Suddenly Luz phone went off. "Oop! I forgot! I need to go meet up with Lilith and Raine to help organize this freaking island after everything. I gotta go! Stay safe buddy." Luz stood up and ran out the door flying on her staff to get there faster. 

King sighed again and then went up to Luz's bedroom, laying down on the bed and closing his eyes. 

I hope The Collector's doing well... I miss them alot, I haven't really made any other younger friends and even though they almost destroyed the entire boiling isles, our games were kinda fun. The only thing that bothers me is that they never, NEVER spoke much about their past. 

Suddenly there was crash outside the window and King rushed over to it to look outside. There was someone on the ground and they looked familiar. King rushed down the stairs and ran outside where they saw the star child on the ground trembling. 

"Collector? Collector!!"

King rushed over to them and saw that they were unconscious. They had scratches and were missing their head covering, which revealed an abundance of white wavy hair. 

(see my drawing)

"EDAAA!!!! EDA!!!" King yelled and Eda came running out of the house. "What's wrong kiddo?" King was by the Collector and was frantically making sure they were still alive. Eda saw the kid and quickly picked them up, bringing them inside. Francois dropped from their arms to the ground and King scurried to pick the stuffed bunny up. Upon close inspection he could see some of the stitching was loose. 

The Collector wouldn't have let anyone hurt Francois unless they were unable to stop them and the only people I know that could be more powerful than the Collector are myself or... or their freaking stupid siblings. 

King quickly followed Eda back into the house. Eda laid the star child on the couch and King stood beside them. The Collector was trembling violently and was breathing shallowly. 

"Hey... Hey... Its ok Collector." King said placing his hand on the kids hand. The Collector's breathing seemed to slow but the trembling didn't stop. "Eda?! Why won't they respond?!" 

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