Chapter 7

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It won't let me put up a picture of Zan ;n; Help!

Averick's POV
Waking up, I rolled onto my back and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I sighed and relaxed, and sat up only to realize that I was alone. I sniffed the air, and his scent was stale, which means he was gone for a while. His bandage he was wearing on his foot was laid on my desk, and his clothes were discarded into my basket. His box was gone though. I'm not sure if he took care of them, or he took them with him. I growled softly and got up as my wolf snarled and paced within me.

Fine mate!

My wolf snarled and I agreed with him, running down the stairs, only in some sleep shorts, only to find his scent was stronger downstairs. I followed it, only to find him in the kitchen. My little sister Rose was sitting on the counter, licking a chocolate cover spoon as Zan put a pan into the oven. A plate sat on the counter with the breakfast I guess I had missed this morning. Rose waved at me, smiling broadly, but thankfully Zan didn't see her do it. I pressed my finger to my lips and winked at Rose, and she giggled. Zan looked at Rose, slightly confused on what she was doing before I came up behind him and picked him up.

"Put me down!" He screeched and I smirked, laughing.

"But why would I do that?" I asked, and he seemed to relax once he heard my voice. He looked back at me the best he could, and I could see chocolate batter smeared on his cheek. Probably from where he had it on his hand and wiped his face. I leaned in and licked of the batter from his face. He blushed darkly, pouting slightly and I set him down.

"You should have woken me up, I thought you ran off again." I whined, hugging him from behind and he just sighed, leaning against him.

"I won't run unless I have a reason, so far I haven't found one." Zan said, shrugging his shoulders in a matter of factly way. I frowned slightly, but I guess I should take it as a compliment.

"Hopefully you never will." I kissed his cheek and he smiled. He pulled away and handed me my plate before going back and cleaning up the kitchen. Rose stared at us, eating the chocolate and smiling. She poked Zan when he passed, giving him a playful smile and Zan blushed a little as if Rose and him had a conversation about something and what we did just proved her point. The way she acts, makes me question her age sometimes...

I sat and ate my breakfast as I stared at Zan while he worked. He had his hair braided today and twisted up into a bun. He wore a tank top and pants with the usual apron on top of his attire. Seems like a great way to start a morning, now if only he was naked underneath that apron~.

"Alpha, you are needed." A girl said when she walked in and I sighed softly.

"Alright..." I set the plate on the table and walked over to Zan and pecked his lips. "I'll be back." I smiled at him before leaving.

Zan's POV
"I'll be back." I watched as Averick left and sighed softly once he was gone.

"So you did do something last night!" Rose giggled, and I sighed.

"Sometimes I doubt that you're really six..." I sighed and smiled at her, and laughed when she put her hands on her hips.

"I think it's a good thing!" She pouted and I sighed a little. I looked at the time that was left on the timer of the stove.

32 minutes.

"I think I'm gonna go for a run. Can you watch the place while I'm gone?" I asked her, and Rose slid off the counter, nodding.

"You can count on me!"

I then left, going out into the woods and finding a clearing before stripping of my clothes and shifting to my wolf form. Once I was settled, I set my clothes by a tree before running off into the woods. It always feels refreshing to go on runs, especially when I have nothing to worry about!

"Where the fuck is my money you fucking piece of shit! I take you in when you had nothing and this is how you repay me?!" Then I heard it, the painful echo of a punch. My ears laid back and I snarled as I ran towards the sound. Then I froze when I saw a young girl, around the age of 7 to 8. Standing over her was a brute of a man, a beer belly hanging out of his shirt and the stench of failure coming off of him.

"If you can't fucking work as a maid, then I should make you a slut!" He screamed and went for another hit, the girl sobbing and curling up, bruises covering her body. I snarled and launched myself forward, attacking the large man. He stumbled over and a jumped off of him, standing over the young girl protectively as I snarled at the man. God even his blood tastes disgusting. I heard the girl sob underneath me and I snarled at the man once more. The man went to hit me, but I bit his arm instead. His leg flew up and kicked me right in the stomach, knocking the air from me, but I wouldn't let go as he started to beat me over and over as he screamed in horror. I was then flung off of him, rolling onto the ground, blood dripping from my face, both mine and his. The man looked around, holding his arm before grabbing a shovel.

"You fucking bitch! You fucking got a dog now?! Ill fucking kill you!" He screamed out, moving towards the girl. With new found strength, I launched myself towards the girl and stood protectively above her. When the shovel started to come down toward us, I flinched, huddling over the girl. Yet nothing came except a glutton cry of the man and a snarl as I heard the sound of ripping flesh and then silence. I looked up to see Averick in his wolf form, standing over the body of the brutal man. He made the man look so small in his wolf form.

"Are you alright?" He asked telepathically, and I nodded my head. I then stepped back, keeping the dead man out of the girls view as I sat in front of her. She was still crying, afraid of the large dogs that were around her. I leaned in and licked her cheek, trying to calm the little girl. This seemed to work because she flung her arms around me, crying as she buried her head into my fur.

"T-thank you! For protecting me! I don't want to live here anymore! I don't want to be beaten!" She kept crying more and more and Averick walked over. She pressed herself against me more, afraid of the much larger wolf. I leaned down and nuzzled her, making her look up at me. I then looked at Averick who stood next to me and licked his cheek. She seemed to get what I was trying to tell her and relaxed. I then stood and grasped her shirt with my teeth, tugging at it for her to stand.

"Zan, what are you doing?" Averick asked, nuzzling my neck. I looked at him once the girl was standing and grasping onto my fur to help her stand.

"I'm going to take care of her." That was all I said before I started to lead her towards the pack house, but Averick cut in front of me, growling. The little girl flinched and whined, burying her face into my side once more and I snarled at Averick, who looked taken aback. His ears drooped and he laid on the ground in front of the young girl. I guess he finally sees that I'm not changing my mind. The girl looked at him and then reached to pet his head which he allowed her to do. He then stood back up, and the girl grasped both of our furs, seeming relaxed.

"Fine, but we can't take her to the pack house. At least, not yet. I know where though, follow me." Averick started to lead us down a different path for a while, but the young girl started to slow. She was hungry, and I knew she wouldn't be able to walk any longer. So I nuzzled the girl and Averick laid down. I nudged her towards him.

"Do you want me to get on his back?" She asked, and I nudged her again to answer her question. She climbed onto his back, laying down on it as he stood and started to walk. I walked closely beside him, making sure she didn't fall off on the way there. It took a little while longer until they reached their destination. It was a large cabin that was meant for a getaway purpose for the Alpha family. The young girl was already asleep so I shifted and opened to door before shifting back before she would awake. We would reveal our true selves later when she was more comfortable. Averick went over to the living room and laid down right in the middle of it.

Quickly I shut the door and then turn on the heat within the house before walking over. I gently nudged the girl so she slid off towards Avericks stomach and then laid down next to her. We were like a bed and blanket to her and she nuzzled into my side and went into a deeper sleep.

"Thank you Averick..." I leaned in and licked his snout. He laid his head down and I laid mine next to his.

"Anything for you Zan." He said softly and we both drifted to sleep.
Does anyone have any idea what the girl should be named as?

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