Chapter 4

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Zan's P.O.V
Today has been boring so far, nothing to do or anything interesting to read. All the books Luna- I mean... Sasha brought down were the ones I already read. I stared at my door and my wolf started to stir around within my soul, growling at me with every chance it got between my thoughts. I could feel the presence of Averick just outside of the house. Probably talking to the adults or something like that.

Go to him

I growled at myself, sighing a little. I wanted to go to Averick so badly and just roll over for him to show that I was submissive, but the fact that he called me a girl was enough to make me stay. It makes me so mad to even think that he called me a girl! What am I? Does he even see me?!

"Sasha... Please hurry..." Sasha said she was going to try and get Averick to leave the pack house for a while so I could get out and stretch my legs for a while.

I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling as I began to fall back into my mind and into my dreams.


I was in my bedroom within my dream, relaxing and doodling on invisible paper. I sat up when I noticed my wolf sitting in front of me, wagging it's tail as it got excited. It started to jump around, barking excitedly, wanting for me to follow it. I got up, laughing as I jumped off my bed and my door automatically opened for me. The basement that was once there, was now a room filled of people laughing and dancing.

I felt a hand grasp mine and spin me around. My eyes widened when I was met with golden eyes staring into my own.

Averick was standing right before me, wearing a black silk dress shirt and black pants. I looked down at my wolf who was nuzzling the larger black wolf, and I felt my heart fill with warmth. Averick gently grasped my chin, making me look up at him.


My name sounded different when he said it. It sounded erotic when he said it. I felt my cheeks warm up and he leaned in to kiss me, his other arm wrapping around my waist. Averick started to push me back and I fell onto something warm and soft. A bed. The details on how I got there was a blur, but since it was a dream, I didn't question it.

"Averick... I love you." I felt myself say in a breathy voice as Averick pulled back from the kiss.

"I love you too Zan." Averick cooed and then leaned in, gently kissing my neck which sent off fireworks within me. I felt his canines brush against my neck and I tilted my head, waiting for it.


When I opened my eyes to see what was wrong, I realized I was alone in Averick's room. I was sprawled out on the bed, my shirt slightly up to expose my stomach and my shorts were slightly down as if I was in the process of taking them off. At first I just laid there, wondering what happened to Averick and where he disappeared off to.

"Averick..." I whimpered, stretching slightly as I whined. It was only when a strong scent of pine and fresh cut grass filled my senses. I didn't have time to even look on who it was before I felt a weight on top of me, grasping my hands and holding them above my head.

"Mate..." Averick's eyes were golden just like in my dream and I looked up at him, eyes wide. I started to struggled, feeling my wolf trying to fight me to get out to be with our mate.

Averick just stared at me with his golden eyes, as if studying me before he kissed me deeply, pressing me into the bed more. I felt my body heat up when he did, and my eyes slid closed as I at first rejected the kiss, but my body got weak against it and I relaxed into it and kissed him back.

"Let go of my hands... You're hurting my shoulders..." I whined in between kisses. At first he didn't move, making me wonder if he even caught what I said. Then my hands were released, allowing for me to reach up and wrap my arms around Averick. I couldn't control myself at the moment, it was as if my wolf denied me of this.

"Mine..." He growled deeply as he groped me, which caught me off guard. My back arched off the bed slightly and I let out a high pitch moan which I have never even heard myself do before.

I felt Averick freeze above me and I looked up at him. His eyes were no longer golden, and he just stared at me with surprised. Then it hit me.

He found out I was a guy...

Tears threatened my eyes and I pushed him off of me, which was easier than what I thought it would have been. I ran out of the room after pushing my shirt down and fixing my shorts. I didn't hear him following me and it made me choke out a sob. I ran down the steps, but missed the last few and went tumbling to the ground. I yelped in pain, holding my ankle and I heard a crash from the upstairs hallway as Averick came rushing out.

I didn't want to see him... I shifted to my wolf form and went down to the basement and into my room as quickly as I could. I had to shift to open the latch, but it was to late. Averick picked me up from the ground, holding me tightly before he carried me back upstairs and yelling for the pack doctor.

Why is he doing this?

He just found out he's mated to a male wolf even though he's straight...

My head was hurting tremendously, and I laid my head against him. I must have hit my head when I fell as well.

"Zan!" I heard Sasha's voice in the distance, but I couldn't move.

"Luna..." I looked up and saw Averick looking down at me with worry before everything faded went to black.

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