After time-skip

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(Hiro's POV: three years later)

It's been three years since Arthur started assimilating with his beast will and during that time I didn't just sit back and slack off.

I had learned to control my new strength, increased my stamina by swimming giving me a professional swimmers body and even though I didn't purify my core I learned what elements I have. Them being fire,water,wind,earth and pure mana.

I also created two spells to increase my speed the first one is called acceleration: type fire where I increase my speed by focusing bursts of fire on a appendage increasing my speed like a fighter jet, the only reason I can do this without my ligaments destroying them self is because of my strong body being able to handle the sudden acceleration.

The second one is called acceleration: type wind where I decrease the wind resistance and drag to make myself more aerodynamic. I could also combine these two spells by decreasing the air resistance and adding more fuel to my fire increasing my speed to the point of breaking the sound barrier.

The only downside of combining these two is that the backlash of accelerating that fast in a short amount of time hurts my ligaments even while their augmented.

But besides creating those spells all I've done was increase the control of my strength because I would have to imbue everything I touched to make sure they didn't break. The only thing that didn't break even with me gripping with all my strength was my wooden sword I got from mom.

I also had to increase my stamina because even if everything about my body was stronger the only thing that didn't increase was my stamina. Before when I had a fully human body I had great stamina because of me climbing and fighting almost everyday but now it was like I never ran in my life.

So to increase my stamina I have been swimming in a river nearby while using my water element to increase the current. This training also had the added side effect of refining my body making me have a swimmer's physique.

I also decided to stop the new passive purification of my core to make sure that I was using my mana as efficiently as possible even if my mana was nearly limitless because of my high silver core mana pool and my permanent mana rotation.

But besides my training I made sure to spend time with everyone. Tess, Art and I have been around the city a few times each time being more enjoyable than the last because we acted the age we were supposed to be.

Arthur's progress with his beast will is going well and tomorrow he's supposed to awaken it. 

(Arthur's POV: the next day)

"Hey, Art! Hurry up! We're going to be late! Hiro's already up and out!"

" AAAGGHHHH!! Tess! Stop! I give! I GIVE!" I cried out.

Tess finally got off of me. Letting go of the leg lock she had in a firm grip.

"Can't there be a gentler way of waking me up. And why doesn't Hiro get the same treatment Tess?" I grumbled, massaging the feeling back into my leg.

"It's getting harder and harder to wake you up in the morning! And you know why this doesn't happen to Hiro, he wakes up early and when he doesn't he wakes up quickly. Besides you should be grateful that such a pretty lady is waking you up every morning." Tess said as she fluttered her eyes at me.

"I find the maids here plenty pretty, thank you very much." I muttered under my breath

She must of heard me because that earned a firm squeeze to my side.

Where did the shy Tess that was too scared to sleep alone in the tent go; the sweet Tess that begged me not to go? Bring her back! I liked her better!

Something I realized during Hiro's and I's three year stay in Elenoir was that elves awaken much earlier than humans did. Whereas the average age for a human was around thirteen years old, elves awoke around the age of ten.

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