The new beginning and the unknown end

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'I don't know how long I've been here, it could be for days, or it could be years for all I know.' I thought floating around in the pitch black abyss. The only thing I could do is talk or think, I could not move any part of my soul.

'What is that? Is that light? Am I finally going to escape this hellhole of an abyss!' I think when suddenly a blinding flash of light was shown even though the light was dim to me that light was the brightest I have ever seen it was akin to a godsend.

The light suddenly started to get bigger and brighter. At one point the size of the light covered my whole vision turning the black abyss into a white shining void. The brightness of the light also increased proportional to its size, and when the light covered all of my vision the brightness was at its strongest making me wonder if I would go blind.

Then I started making out things, I could tell that I was being carried somewhere by a figure.' Is it female?' I thought and asked because I couldn't make out any features besides the figures long hair. It was dark out probably night and when my vision started clearing I could confirm that the figure carrying me was female, she had long dark purple hair teetering on the edge of black when there wasn't any light on it, her eyes where a deep blue color looking like I was staring into the ocean itself, and what held her all together was her face it was extremely beautiful, her nose small complimented her mouth and eyes, her facial structure was round but not so round that her head looked like a circle.

"Aub wuev dia." I tried talking to her but what came out of my mouth was, in the best way I could describe was baby noises. When she started looking at me the calm in her eyes turn into a stone cold glare." If it wasn't for you he would still be here with me." She said to me in a grief stricken and silently furious tone of voice. That scared me, that I was the focus of all her grief. I couldn't even think of what I tried to say to her because of my newfound sudden fear of what she would do to me.

After about twenty minutes of walking she finally stopped. The landscape changed from a heathy forest to a barren road of rock and sand." If it wasn't for you, the love of my life would still be here. He wouldn't of died trying to protect you from those beasts!" She yelled at me with furious tears running down her face, her face was scrunched up looking at me with all the anger in her body." But now I guess you can join him." She said with a strangely calm voice. After she said those words my heart stopped. I was terrified of what she was going to do to me. Was she going to beat my head in with a rock? Was she going to drown me? A million thoughts where going through my head in a second. I was trying to understand why she was doing this, what I had done to deserve this.

When suddenly she threw me. I didn't land of the ground in front of her but fell below it. What she did was throw me off a cliff. And as I was falling, I lifted my hand trying to grab anything I could, and that's when I saw it. My hand was that of a child's. That's when I understood what was happening, why she was doing this, it was because she was grieving. I couldn't get the whole picture but what I got was enough to put the pieces together. I was her child her own flesh and blood but she threw that away when she threw me off that cliff.

And the last thing I heard her speak before she was out of ear shot was." I hope you die you monster, you should have never been born." It broke my heart to hear that, for my own (new) mother to wish I was never born, for her to call me a monster when it was she who threw her only remaining blood of her lover of a cliff to die.

As I was falling I felt something, something was slowly but surely cushioning my fall, but not fast enough to stop the momentum of me falling and as I hit the ground everything started hurting and went dark.

( so yeah leave a review in the comments so I could see if I have anything to work on)

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