Raindrops Ft. Teardrops

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Raindrops are falling
Teardrops are synching
I'd save you even in a billion boat that's sinking
I'd love you even more while my heart is aching

Oh, love, you really are my life
This cruel world would be nice if you're my wife
I'd give up everything just to feel you breathe
I'd trade anything for you to be with me

I could live wherever as long as I'm with you
Let me brush your hair, fold our clothes, and cook
Oh to live the life we dream together would be cool
This is me being honest and not just a fool

~Life's great as long as you exists, my love. Your existence is more than enough but your love makes this cruel world a better place for me to live.

From ME to YOU (A COMPILATION OF POEM)Where stories live. Discover now