Timing, Couffaine, timing!

447 35 14

(Y/N) felt the cool, damp grass at their feet as the sat outside, the evening wind making the trees sway and leaves rustle. They stared at the driveway waiting for their parents' car to drive up the driveway. (Y/N) knew they were only supposed to be gone for a few hours. Eventually, it started raining and they opened the door to go inside.

(Y/N) was met with the hallway of the hospital, doctors running down the hall as two stretchers are rushed into the ER "We're losing the pulse!" a faceless EMT shouted as they rounded the corner into emergency surgery. It felt almost as if (Y/N) was frozen in place, people appeared as if they walked through them. (Y/N) couldn't move or feel anything but a sense of dread filling them to the brim.

"Where's mom and dad? What happened-" All their murmured questions were quickly interrupted as the scene changed again, it was clearly late at night as they stared at a screen while a shaky set of hands answered the phone- what was (Y/N)'s name doing on the caller ID? Was that Owen's phone?

(Y/N)'s parents were fine, they were driving home from a get-together with friends. They were coming home with dinner and they said they had some major news to tell them when they got back. Who's phone was this? Where were their parents?

The scene changed again, they were back in their own body but staring at two graves. The world around them was dark except for the occasional flicker of lightning as the rain seeped into their clothes. "(M/N) and (F/N) (L/N)" was all (Y/N) could make out with the limited light.

"No, no, no, no," (Y/N) whimpered, curling into a ball in front of what was left of their parents, the flowers in her hands long-forgotten "Mom...dad..."


(Y/N) flinched awake, hardly noticing the warm tears streaming down their face. They felt Luka's arms tighten around them before they processed it was him. Instinctively, they burrowed into the safety of his soothing comfort. His soft, dulcet tone slowly coaxing them back to reality instead of the hellish whiplash of their dream. Luka didn't ask what happened, he just rubbed them gently while (Y/N) centered themselves. He didn't dare stop whispering his gentle reassurances, reminders that they're in bed and safe. "You're safe, angel. I've got you" he murmurs, kissing their head gently "Just breathe for me." 

(Y/N) hadn't even realized they were hyperventilating until Luka started guiding their breathing. He didn't even tell them to breathe with him, they'd just noticed the change in his breathing and began to mimic it. In slow, holding it for a moment, out. In slow, hold it, out. In slow, hold it, out. He kept it up until (Y/N) finally looked up at him, they smiled weakly at him. (Y/N) squeezed his hand, a non-verbal "thank you"


Luka, of course, sat there clueless about what happened. He was running on instinct, kissing their forehead as he tried to hide how much seeing (Y/N) in pain was hurting him. He hated this. He loved holding them, and he would do this as long as they needed and then some. But it never occurred to him just how much (Y/N) had been pushing themselves since they met. (Y/N)'s parents had died not even a month ago when they dropped everything to be there for him at his concert. They stayed there smiling the whole time like nothing was wrong. Yeah, (Y/N) cried that night but it was nothing like this. That night it was happy reminiscing, now he has no idea how much they're hurting. It was all crashing down for (Y/N), they couldn't pretend anymore. Luka remembered how agonizing it is for reality to crash on someone like that. The helplessness of it all, not knowing if you'll ever be okay again. 

Luka squeezed them a little tighter "Do you wanna talk about it? Tell me what happened?" he murmured. His voice was soft, making his lack of pressure obvious. 

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