Cuddled Up and Snoozing

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The high of a good concert was as good for the performers as it was the fans. Rose could not stop giggling as the band eventually made their way backstage, leaning heavily on Juleka for support to avoid going weak in the knees and collapsing in a fit of laughter. Ivan and Mylene did packed the instruments up just off stage to give the next act space to set up and perform while Rose and Juleka went to find Luka and (Y/N). 

Rose's eyes lit up when she saw Luka and (Y/N) cuddled up and snoozing. Juleka let out the smallest laugh, but they both were fighting the urge to celebrate. They didn't want to wake them up. They both looked exhausted and, let's face it, too damn comfy for their own good. 

Unfortunately for the girls, Luka's sense for being fangirled over was superhuman, and he began to stir. Rose's muffled squeaking gave them away despite covering her mouth. His time to admire (Y/N), which was notably where his gaze focused first, was cut short when he flashed an irritated glance at the two friends in front of him. He held a finger up to his lips, gently telling them to be quiet, but his eyes saying "shut the fuck up before I make you." 

When he looked at (Y/N) again, he was all smiles. Any attempt at intimidation was a thing of the past. He looked at (Y/N)'s sleeping face, nothing short of adoring as he gently played with their hair while they happily slept. Juleka and Rose looked at each other, stunned at how quickly Luka switched gears. 


Oh he was down bad. 

The two girls just smiled, deciding to go into the crowd to watch the other bands, dragging Ivan and Mylene along with them as the couple walked through the door. Ivan looked at both of them, notably confused, but he tagged along. 


Luka couldn't think of a single time in his life where he felt happier than he did in this moment. He sang a song that he wrote in front of a massive audience and they loved it! Not only that, but he had someone with him to celebrate it with. Granted, they were currently passed out and using his chest as a pillow while the music quite literally shakes the walls, but they were there! (Y/N) was with him the whole time! His mood grew noticeably less light when he remembered the look on Marinette's face when the song was over, but he didn't feel bad for her. Not only had she moved on with Adrien, she was definitely cheating on the poor guy. 

He wasn't sure if he should say anything. Maybe they were in an open relationship? No, Luka thought as he shook his head, Marinette wouldn't have waited until Adrien was gone if she wasn't keeping it from him. He couldn't help but wonder what Marinette was thinking while Luka played his song. Was she jealous? Was she angry that he was finally trying to move on? Was she okay with it? Granted, Luka didn't want or need her permission, but she goes to school with (Y/N). He wouldn't want Marinette to cause any trouble or get akumatized if he did manage to get together with (Y/N).

He couldn't help himself as he dived down the mental rabbit hole that is overthinking. He didn't even notice his breathing become labored and his heart rate spiking until he felt (Y/N)'s fingers gently stroking his fingers to help ground him. "Luka," (Y/N)'s voice was so damn gentle. Luka couldn't help but swoon a little at how cute their voice was when they just wake up "Breathe."

Luka looked down, his face a mix of surprise and guilt "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

(Y/N) nodded but cuddled impossibly closer to him "It's okay, though. I don't want you to be alone if you're feeling bad." they spoke barely above a whisper, Luka fought the urge to shiver as their breath tickled Luka's ear and around his neck. 

Luka fought back the sudden overwhelming urge to cry. He wasn't used to being taken care of. Even Marinette never really did this kind of thing. He never resented anybody for taking his help and comfort. Hell, he offered it. But nobody really did the same. When they did, it usually felt forced. (Y/N)'s genuine desire to help was both unsettling and relieving. It was a breath of fresh air, like a muscle that had been tense for so long that he didn't realize how much he was hurting until the tension was gone. 

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