The Best Way Possible

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The rest of the weekend passed by in a blur of laughter and comedically timed interruptions. Juleka had (Y/N) come over to hang out with the band while they practiced for the day. Every single band member was exhausted from last night's concert, but they had more gigs coming up and not enough time to practice. 

Both Luka and (Y/N) tried to steal moments away together, doing things from going to get snacks or conveniently forgetting something in the same location only to come back empty-handed. Every single time the two came back, Rose and Juleka grinned knowingly at each other while Ivan and Mylene sifted through the seemingly endless gig offers they'd been getting to play around the city. Excitedly rambling on about the upgrades they could do on the equipment with some of the money. Despite (Y/N) and Luka's best efforts, though, the most time they were able to get alone was when he walked them to their car late that night, where (Y/N) kissed him on the cheek before disappearing behind the tinted glass between them. 

Now Luka was sitting in his room, fiddling with one of the many guitar picks in his collection as he wracked his brain for an excuse to text the new friend he was so unexpectedly infatuated with. Juleka was always quick to pick up on Luka's yearning moods, but she knew it was serious when he picked up his guitar and started to play. Doctor's orders be damned. She walked into his room with an assured air around her. Even her head was held a little higher than the shy, non-confrontational girl Luka knew his sister to be. She took his guitar right out of his hands, ignoring his grunt of offense as she placed it gently back in its case before taking a seat next to Luka on his bed.

"Luka," she said, her tone a unique blend of gentle and scolding "You know what the doctor said about playing too much," her eyebrows furrowed slightly in worry "You already overdid it last night."

"I know what he said," Luka snapped, earning a surprised flinch from Juleka. He noticed immediately and reigned in his fowl mood. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that." he sighed, feeling guilty. It wasn't his sister's fault that he couldn't stop overthinking every little thing. He ran his fingers through his hair, messy from tossing and turning in his futile attempt to sleep. "I just want things to go well with (Y/N), and I'm worried about Marinette," he could feel Juleka's surprise at his worry for the girl who broke his heart, so he continued to explain "She hasn't messaged me since the concert. If I hurt her feelings, she might get akumatized or take out her frustration on you guys. I don't want you guys getting caught in the crossfire." he bit the inside of his lip, forcing himself to stop talking before he spilled what he was really worried about. If he said them, they'd feel too real instead of just bouncing around in his head. He wasn't ready to admit them yet. 

Juleka noticed he was holding something back, it had to have really but upsetting him far more than the rest if that was where he drew the line. She saw the way he suddenly forced himself quiet, fiddling with the rings on his fingers as the wheels in Juleka's mind turned. 

She shifted her weight as she leaned her back against the wall, sitting crisscross as she got comfortable next to ger brother "Is this about Adrien?" 

Luka's eyes widened, 'bingo', Juleka thought to herself as she tried to think about why Adrien of all people was at the forefront of Luka's worries. After a few minutes, she threw her hands in the air and let out a frustrated huff "You're gonna have to help me out here, why is the Agreste kid worrying you so much?"

Luka tucked his knees into his chest and hugged them with his arms, almost as if he was shielding himself from the torment of his own thoughts. Juleka made it a point not to look at the tears brimming his eyes. "I can't..." he faltered, his voice shaking and barely above a whisper "I can't lose (Y/N) to him, too."

Confusion flashed across Juleka's features as she felt the mood almost physically shift "What do you mean?" Juleka was truly. Adrien hadn't even really introduced himself to (Y/N), and he was happily with Marinette as far as she knew. Why the hell would that even be on Luka's radar?

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