Different Outcome - Chapter 08

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With the shattered mirror shield and his sword broken to pieces, Vortiger fell on his knees in exhaustion.

"You may have defeated me, whelp. But know this. Darkness shall always-"

Marius decapitated Vortiger before he could finish his monologue as the battle between Marius's party member and Vortiger's small warband was still ongoing.

Then, he heard Rino scream and saw her fell on her back as the Hitokiri was about to slice the mage in half. Before the masked slayer could deliver a final killing blow, Marius threw his spear at her chest. She fell on the ground and the masakari axe fell on her instead.

After hearing the loud thump of the Hitokiri falling on the ground, Rino opened her eyes to see her would be murderer lying on the ground with her torso split in half. Marius grabbed the decapitated head of Vortiger and threw it in front of the warband who were closing in on three of his companions.

Vortiger's soldiers looked at the severed head of their master and then they shifted their gaze to Marius, who they still recognized as the Blackstone warlord. The very presence of the former warlord sent fear into their hearts and they ran away in fear. Marius's party member could finally lowered their guards as they were exhausted from the fight.

"Glad that's over. I hope we don't accidently ran into an another bandit camp." said Elena.

"Indeed." said Marius, even thought he intentionally led his party into Vortiger's camp.

Then, one of Vortiger's guards, the male Jormungandr warrior, approached the party with his hammer in hand. Marius stepped forward to protect his companions as he summoned the spear back to his hand. Then, to their surprised, the Jormungandr drop his weapon and knelt before Marius. The warrior lowered his head as a sign of submission.

"Should we really take him in?" said Elena.

"The next wave draws near. A stronger fighter like him will give us an advantage." said Marius.

Marius approached the viking warrior and slammed his spear on the ground, "You may come with us."

The Jormungandr got up then grabbed his weapon before sheathing it on his back.

"We're done here." said Marius.

"But what about the deserters?" said Leandros.

"They have routed. They will not be our concerns." Marius then turned and headed towards their camp.

The others followed with Rino straggled from behind.


At night, the Spear Hero party sat around the campfire. The Jormungandr sat with his one hand holding on to his hammer and the other holding on a cooked meat while he chewed. Meanwhile, his three new comrade just sat there awkwardly in the presence of a pale warrior.

"Do you have a name?" said Rino.

The pale warrior ignored her while he kept chewing his meal.

"Can he even understand us?" said Leandros.

"He understood Marius though." said Elena.

"So, about what happened back the capital." Rino whispered.

"Yeah. What happened back there?" said Elena.

"You tell me. I don't know anything." said Leandros, trying to keep the secret.

"Leandros... You know something we don't know." Elena glared at Leandros.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

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