Hero rankings and The new symbol

Start from the beginning

Sometime later Nagjsa is sitting down watching the hero billboard chart

Nagisa: (so if I got on one of these I'll have to go up on stage)

Number 10  the dragoon hero Ryuku

Nagisa; sweet she definitely deserves it

Number 9
The equipped hero Yoroi mushy

Nagisa: I wonder what is quirk is the Samurai look is cool though

Number 8
Laundry hero, wash

Nagisa; uh what

Number 7

Kamui woods

Nagisa: I remember seeing him fight he definitely deserves this position

Number 6

Shield hero crux

Nagisa: I've seen him fight he's unbelievably tough I bet Kirishima could learn a lot from him

Number 5
Rabbit hero miruko

Nagisa: now I could learn a-lot from her fighting style I'll definitely have to take a better look at her

Kyoka: Wow what's got you so interested

Nagisa lokks offended: it's her fighting style it's similar to mine fast and powerful I bet I could learn a lot

Kyoka: fair enough

Number 4
Ninja hero; edgeshot

Nagisa stands up: sensei is in the top 5 now huh I knew he could do it

Number 3

Fibre hero: best jeanist

Nagisa: he deserves it I hope he comes back soon

Number 2

Wing hero hawks

Nagisa: only 22 and already the number 2 hero
Nagisa smirks
Nagisa: he seems tough I can't wait to see him in action

And finally

Number 1

Flame hero endeavour

Nagisa frowns: (I don't like this guy not after what he did to shoto)

But after hearing what ryuku said

Nagisa gets up and walks off

Kyoka: Hey nagi where are you going

Nagjsa: she's right if only I was stronger maybe nighteye would still be with us and maybe just maybe Mirio would still have his quirk

Kyoka: Ok if that's how you feel go and get stronger

Nagisa: alright

The Viper hero. My hero academia x male oc (stopped until season seven)Where stories live. Discover now