Chapter 4: If I Lose Myself

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Jungkook's body was calming down, but the more he was coming down from his cloud9, the more he felt cold and... scared.

He wanted to run away...

But his arms involuntarily wrapped around Taehyung's back and he clung to him desperately.

Taehyung, who was stroking Jungkook's naked back up and down, smiling into the skin on Jungkook's neck, frowned when he felt the uneven breaths and trembling of the other's body on his own.

'Koo...' he whispered. '...can you trust me?'

'I trust you...' Jungkook mumbled.

'No, you don't. You think I will switch to being hetero if it gets hard...'

'Because it will get hard, Tae...'

'I don't have control over what I feel... And I can easily recognize what I was looking for after 5 years of not being able to commit myself even slightly to any relationship...'

Jungkook cuddled his cheek more to Taehyung's collarbone.

'I could say sorry for not noticing this part of me earlier, but I guess I had to grow up... Get tired of the mindset I had and start to look for something... But it really doesn't matter... because it is not the case of being hetero, homo or bisexual...'

'It is not?'

'No. Because when I kissed you it hadn't woken up my sexuality, no matter what you want to label me as. It awakened something different...'

Because Jungkook didn't ask, Taehyung sat on the bed, making Jungkook sit too, with their middles still glued to each other.

Jungkook looked at him. His gaze was fragile.

No matter how long and well Taehyung knew him. He didn't see his fragile, insecure part.

Maybe that was also part of Jungkook's resistance and the fact he was holding back for so long, without even one bitter thought about it - he didn't consider it possible.

Taehyung's eyes lovingly were roaming around Jungkook's face, with a soft smile. Memorizing and noticing all the details. Red and swollen from kisses lips. Mole under them... The scar on his cheek.

His hand reached to Jungkook's bangs and slowly brushed them aside to let him see properly the most magical part of Jungkook's face.

His eyes.

'It woke up the part of love that is not friendly at all... And suddenly... all things I always loved about you are indescribably stronger... and I can't even properly enjoy new things I love about you, cause there are so many...'

Taehyung's long fingers lovingly were sliding down Jungkook's jaw and down his ribbed arms, and muscular chest.

'I can't keep my hands to myself...' Taehyung whispered. 'You are just too beautiful...'

'Horny.' Jungkook giggled.

Taehyung shook his head.

'I feel so full of life next to you...' he smiled, widely with this tender breathtaking smile.

'What do you want?'

'Just smile at me... I don't want to make you nervous or worried. I don't want you to overthink all this... If you need time to accept what it is, I will give you time. Cause I am almost sure you are just stubborn at this point...'

Jungkook rolled his eyes and bit back his smile.

'You never think twice... You do what you want. And sometimes you just jump too fast,Tae...'

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