Yes I did (Frarry)

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Summary: It is 4th Year, Harry is trans, and Voldemort doesn't Exist! Cedric died during the third task and Harry is upset about it, but he actually loved Fred all along.

Warnings: Sad, depression, and fast moving!

Top: Fred

Bottom: Harry


Harry's POV

I teleported back outside Hogwarts with the TT cup and with Cedric, crying. My boyfriend, Cedric, just died. Cedric Fucking Diggory died. Dumbledore ran over to me.

"Cedric! No, it can't be! Harry, what happened?"

Victor had accidently hit Cedric with the Killing Curse in the maze when trying to kill a Blast-Ended Skrewt. I forgave Victor since he didn't mean to, but I saw him in a corner trying to hold back tears. After explaining to Dumbledore, leaving out the fact that Victor was the one who did it, Dumbledore tried to touch Cedric, but I blocked him and continued to sob uncontrollably.


Amos Diggory, Cedric's dad, ran through the crowd.

"That's my son! THAT'S MY BOY!"

Amos sobbed into Dumbledore's shoulder, while I hugged Cedric's lifeless body. Suddenly, I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. Then I heard a familiar voice.

"What are y'all staring at?! Harry, c'mon."

I turned around and saw Fred Weasley, my all-time crush. I started sobbing into his chest, gripping him tight. Fred pulled me up and gripped my hand, dragging me into Hogwarts. His hand fit into mine like a puzzle.

"Harry, I'm sorry about your loss. I know he meant a lot to you."

I nodded, silently crying.

"I-it's okay."

"Let's go to the common room. It's empty."


OMFG. I'm crying too much. What if he doesn't like me? What if he hates me?

Once we arrived in the common room, Fred sat on the couch, letting me cry into his shoulder.

"Harry, did you love Cedric?"

I nod, confused about this random question and about the tears in his eyes.

"Yes, of course."

Fred nods and sighs. Why am I getting butterflies in my stomach?!

"Okay...I guess I'm not good enough for you."

That was it. I'd had enough of this. I grabbed his face, turned it towards me, and kissed his lips hard, but passionately. The tears fell from my face, and the same happened with Fred once he melted into the kiss. Once we pulled away, we both smiled. Fred wiped the tears off my face, while I wiped the tears off his. Fred choked out, "So, you loved me all along?" I nodded shyly. "Yes I did." Fred pulled me in for another kiss and we snogged.

Suggestions anyone?

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