"Yes..... I'm sorry...." She said as I patted her back

She has a lot of issues that she needs to work on helping, it makes me sad that her mental state deteriorated so much due to the toxic mindset she had to adopt for self preservation

"Kikyou, it's alright. Just know that sometimes it's better to respect someone else's wishes on how their personal affairs are. I really do appreciate that you wish to know me better and learn more about me..... but my past isn't something I can share" I said as she sighed and nodded, understanding my reluctance

She gave a depraved chuckle as she looked at me and muttered

"I wonder..... how bad was your past to not even be able to talk about it with someone like me" she said as I shrugged

"I can tell you anything other than my past, if you wish to know. I am happy to share" I said as she nodded

"Then how about a personal skill of yours? Something you are proud to know!" She said as I simply replied

"Playing the piano, it's one of the few things that I learnt that i enjoy" I said as she nodded

"There's a piano on the cruise! You can play when we get back! I would like to hear you play!" She said as I nodded

"That would be nice, what about you? Any talents you wish to share?" I asked her as she put on a thinking face as she said

"E-eh..... I...... I can get along with others well?" She said as I nodded and mock clapped

"Truly, a skill unlike no other" I said as my monotone voice dripped with sarcasm

"Shut your trap!" She yelled at me in an embarrassed manner as she laughed after it

As people started to wake up one by one, I started to look around the camp

So far so good, I saw that we still had some fruit from yesterday, we could wash it and eat them. The pond has fresh water so that wasn't a problem either.

As people woke up one by one, people ate a few apples and oranges that we found as we all started with the day. Playing and enjoying, so far the class's morale was doing good. It'll be essential for us to be happy and cooperative for the exam.

It seemed that everyone was awake, food was found and eaten, and they are ready for the day. I looked toward Kikyou as I nodded

She seemed to have understood what I meant as she made her way toward me and a conversation began

"So, where are we going?" She asked as I shrugged

Hell if I know where the other classes are, I suspect that class A will be far away from us because of them knowing our spot and wanting to not be found out.

"Any and everywhere, it'll be a while before we return, it's essential that we find all the classes and talk to them" I said as she nodded, understanding the simplicity of the plan

People noticed that we were leaving as Ike asked

"Yo? Where you going Ayano-bro?" He asked as I told him in my voice, as emotionless as ever

" just scouting around" I said simply as he looked at me suspiciously

"With Kushida-chan?" He said as I sighed

"Yes, it's best to have someone who is friends with the other classes, she ie very well known and well acquainted" I said as Ike suddenly came toward me and brought his hands down at my shoulders, grasping them

"I trust you bro." Ike said as I got a sweat drop

Why the dramatics?

"Alright, if that's all then let's leave Kikyou" I said as I saw Horikita from the corner of my eye

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