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Chapter 61: The spring water is as thick as dye (6)

The sun disappears into the mountains and rivers, the last ray of glow fades, darkness comes again, and the lights inside and outside the palace are dim.

Watching the general disappear in the long corridor, Cheng Huan tightly wrapped his cloak. The spring was cold, but the flowers were blooming, and the fragrance that filled the nose was tinged with a hint of air-conditioning.

The burning sensation behind her ears is still getting more and more obvious. I don't know what Linglong is doing. That girl has a fierce temper and has to scream even if she feels uncomfortable at all.

She first went to the palace to wait on her, and the emperor told her that the army would go out after Guyu, and that nothing would happen in the court these days.

After taking the order, I came out and saw that the carved floor had been wet by the night rain.

The imperial eunuch Jiu'er opened a green cloth umbrella and followed, "Sir, please slow down and be careful not to get wet." The spring rain was continuous, covering the eyes tightly and drifting on the face with the wind, as if being caressed by

someone. He took the umbrella and said in a low voice: "Go down, the emperor is here to serve as an errand, and I can't make any mistakes. I'll go for a walk by myself." Jiu'er bowed and said yes, but did not forget to tell her, "Master, please be careful with your steps, they are slippery."


Zi Walking into the rain, I closed my umbrella within a few steps. The spring rain fell on my official uniform with purple and gold ribbons. The tide surged instantly, but I felt an indescribable feeling of comfort.

I deliberately loosened the collar of my loose round collar robe and let the drizzle hit my neck, which felt cool to my bones and made me feel more comfortable.

She seldom had time to walk around the palace, always with a task in mind and in a hurry. Fortunately, the emperor had few things to do today, so she had some free time.

Walking and walking around the Xuanye Pond, watching the rippling water, several mandarin ducks clinging to each other, hiding under the weeping willows on both sides, stretched out their necks and called out from time to time.

She stopped and listened carefully. For a long time she couldn't figure out what it was called. Even if she heard it clearly, she could still understand it. She couldn't help but smile. It was so silly.

Looking up, the palaces are layered upon layers. Under the dark night, the mist is blurred, as if they are about to float away, as if they are not real.

Just like herself, she is not a real person.

I came here at the age of six or seven and started as a handyman eunuch. Fast forward ten years, and now I am working as a spy in the Milky Way.

Spies never die well, and no one knows better than her how her mother is gone, and how such an extremely talented person cannot escape unscathed.

Sighing, he suddenly felt a medicinal smell on the tip of his nose. He was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was standing in front of Hanlin Medical Officer's Hospital.

She arrived here in a daze. She came to her senses, turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by someone with a smile.

"Chief, what a coincidence."

A gentle smile floated to his ears, and he couldn't pretend not to hear it. Cheng Huan had to stop, tighten his collar, and turned around, "Doctor Feng, it is indeed a coincidence." Feng Shuyu walked quickly

. When he came forward, his eyes fell on her hand, "Hey, the boss is still holding an umbrella. It just so happens that I can borrow some light and let's go together." She really wanted to throw the umbrella

into the mysterious liquid pool. It was all because of that person who didn't have eyes. Jiu'er must come over.

Now we still have to bite the bullet and go along.

Maybe check my own pulse again, endlessly.

He still had to agree and joked: "Feng Yu's doctor is lucky. I didn't want to hold the umbrella, so I almost didn't take it." He stretched out his hand to

open it. Fortunately, the green cloth umbrella was quite big, and it could hold more than two people for poking.

Feng Shuyu dusted off his sleeves and looked over again. Cheng Huan was speechless. Although his eyes were not presumptuous, he had something in his heart, and all the doctors in the world were disgusted.

The other party also recognized the interest, quickly lowered his eyes, and magically took out a piece of yellow paper, "Chief, how do you like the dishes on the food supplement list? This is a newly developed dish. The weather is getting hotter. Let's change the taste." She

said Surprised, I doubted whether the person facing me was the imperial doctor or the imperial cook.

It's a pity that others are so short-tempered, but he still said softly: "Thank you for thinking about me. I tried the braised pigeon eggs for dinner. They were delicious. They are rare in the world. They are better than those made by the imperial chef." After a pause, these words were inappropriate, as

if Feeling like teasing, he changed his tone and continued: "I heard that Dr. Feng is good at cooking. I will learn it someday." Feng Shuyu didn't mind at all, and he answered leisurely, "I'm usually leisurely, not like the master

. With so many things to do every day, I have plenty of time to cook and stir-fry, and I often water the flowers and plant grass."

He indeed has many hobbies, but being an imperial doctor is not a casual job, not to mention that the other person's position is very important, but he is modest and smiles happily.

"Is the Lord cold?" someone suddenly asked, but she didn't react and just said "Oh" out of habit, "What -" Feng Shuyu stopped, with gentle eyes, and unexpectedly stretched out his hand to hold the umbrella handle, "I said

Lord Are you cold? Your hands are shaking all the time. Let me hold the umbrella."

He was already a head taller than her, so it was more convenient to hold the umbrella. He had to deliberately lift it up, which naturally made him tired.

What does it have to do with coldness?

Cheng Huan did not insist and let go of the umbrella, "Then there will be Imperial Physician Lao Feng."

The spring rain pattered, stopping and falling, falling on the grass on both sides, exuding a delicate fragrance.

The strands of it spread into the tip of the nose, making people feel like a tranquil sea.

The two kept a little distance between them and walked in the rain. The atmosphere was good, but they were too silent and a little embarrassed.

The road is quite long.

Cheng Huan was favored by others, so he cleared his throat and prepared to make fun, "The imperial doctor just said that he likes to grow flowers. I don't know what kind?" "Snow lotus is my


"Snow lotus-" She was surprised. This flower grows in Outside the Great Wall, on the top of the Tianshan Mountains, no one was seen sowing seeds in the hospital. "Have you been raised by the imperial doctor?

" It's just yearning for it. I was lucky enough to smell it once when I was a child. The fragrance of flowers is leisurely and unforgettable." "It seems that the

imperial doctor is in love with fragrance." Cheng Huan shook his head, obviously disagreeing, "I think there are many fragrant flowers in the world, such as orchids and peonies. Osmanthus, which one is not fragrant, comes from Xifu Begonia. The Begonia blooming in the clear autumn these days is so fragrant that it fills the heart. Imperial doctors only think that things are rare and expensive, and they only feel good if they can't get them." "Maybe.


People didn't refute it.

Cheng Huan got excited and started talking, "I'm different from you. I like the most plain yet refreshing atmosphere. Just like right now, the green grass after the rain smells far away and becomes clearer. Smell it, it can cleanse the body and mind. It's the best." ."

Feng Shuyu pursed his lips, "Look what the envoy said, this grass gas can also cure diseases, it sounds better than medicine." "

With me, all your worries will be gone." He was not convinced and argued with reason, " Don't you always say that heart disease is difficult to cure, and only by curing the mind can you cure the body, so why not." "

The envoy is right." He looked over with gentle and tender eyes, taking advantage of the drizzle behind him, his bookishness became more and more full, like hanging on the wall The person in the painting repeated again, "The master has great views, and the minister has been taught."

She was slightly stunned.

The two of them had arrived at the palace gate and looked up to see the carriage prepared by the servants. Feng Shuyu put Cheng Huan on the carriage and returned the umbrella at the same time.

The wheel pressed against the wet ground and swayed. Chenghuan closed his eyes and rested, listening to the two Kunze eunuchs who were waiting next to him.

"I heard that Imperial Physician Feng is also a Kunze, but he doesn't look like it."

The other hissed a few times. He glanced sideways at the commander, still squinting, and then calmly answered boldly: "Yeah, I don't think it's the same, but She looks so delicate, especially that letter quote - it smells so good."

"You are crazy, smelling other people's letter quotes." "

What does it have to do with me? We people with attributes can't smell it. Besides, it's raining today, so The smell of green grass is getting stronger."

Green grass gas, letter cited!

Cheng opened his eyes happily, he had just praised the fragrance of green grass, and he was actually praising Feng Shu Yu Xin Yin.

"I feel relaxed and happy when I smell it."

He said it himself.

She gritted her teeth hard.

The rain became heavier in the second half of the night, and instead of the gentleness of spring, the sky and the earth suddenly became like winter, wild and cold.

The seventeenth princess sat under the Bubu brocade window, watching the wind and rain in the courtyard, the cold wind flew in through the cracks in the window, and the candlelight flickered in the house.

Sighing, frowning.

Su Nichen put a cloak on her, knowing that the other party was angry and had to leave not long after she came back. Who wouldn't be angry?

"Madam, there are still a few days until Grain Rain. From now on, I will start to worry and be careful about getting wrinkles." He looked up, his peach blossom eyes burning, looking like he was trying to please others.

It's not the frost and snow, it's not the anger, it hurts in my heart, no matter how worried I am, it's not as good as going to a bloody battlefield, the sword has no eyes, and if something goes wrong, I'll be covered in wounds.

"This is the most hateful thing. Ansheng is making trouble again in just a few days. I don't know when we can clear the grassland. Drive them as far away as possible." He said angrily, thinking of a kitten with fried hair, and frowned, Her eyes were moist, "The same goes for Chu Yue. There's no one around, so I always let the general go. The other generals are just decorations, just for fun." What a cute little girl, Su Nichen stretched out her hand to hug her, "The princess knows how to talk about others,

I never thought that maybe I was ambitious and wanted to glorify my family, so I took the opportunity to seek power and credit. Didn't you listen to what others said, that General Suniechen had ulterior motives and respected his own troops, so he might be disobedient. "You're crazy, you said

Such words. "She was so frightened that she covered her mouth and closed the window. "Partition walls have ears, so you should be careful in your own home. The general doesn't understand my brother and has treacherous thoughts. Sometimes I can't figure it out. "

Su Nichen looked calm. Looking at the seriousness of the other party,

he pursed his lips and smiled nonchalantly. "The princess is so afraid, so hurry up and take the minister into custody. Since ancient times, those who hold military power will be feared by the royal family. Even if they have outstanding achievements, they will be in trouble in the end. It's hard to save my life. Now I am invincible. If I come back with another victory, how will I deal with myself when I come back? "

The seventeenth princess lowered her eyes and understood that the other party's worries were justified. She thought for a while and replied: "But if you lose, it will be even more difficult. "

Defeat - Su Nichen laughed out loud, how could she lose.

"Where did the princess go? No matter how the royal family treats me, I fought bloody battles on the battlefield for the people of Chuyue. Besides, my Su family has been loyal and loyal for generations. Even if you die, you will never feel tired at all. "

Sounds scary, Shuangxue quickly responded, "I was wrong. Feeling ashamed in his heart, he judged a gentleman with a villain's heart. He buried his head in the opponent's arms and said word for word, "General, please don't worry. Even if you charge to kill the enemy on the front line, there will still be me behind you."

"Princess, don't mess around. That's not what I meant. " "Su Nichen lowered her head and kissed her, "I only hope that the princess can take care of herself so that she can feel at ease.

"Me too. Only when the general takes good care of himself can he rest assured. " "

"Okay, it's settled. "Su Nichen touched her lips with the tip of his nose, "Then let's be safe and at ease with each other. "

The author has something to say:

The battle still has to be fought.

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