chapter six

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Jin was making his way downstairs when he saw a cartoon on.

Jin: Mina, I thought you didn't watch nickelodeon.

He then saw Jungkook. He was confused as to why he was watching cartoons.

Jin: ooh, hi? When did you get here? Where's Tae?

Kookie: daddy ish sleeping.

Jin: ooh.

Jin realizes he has little space. He smiled gently. He went upstairs to Tae rooms.

Jin: wake up. Your baby is downstairs watching TV.

Tae: which one?

Jin: your big baby.

Tae: again, which one?

Jin: Jungkook.

Tae got up. He went downstairs to Jungkook. Jin went to wake up Mina for school.

Tae: hi princess.

Kookie: hi daddy!

Tae saw Kookie was wearing his shirt and a pair of shorts. Tae sat besides him.

Kookie: daddy?

Tae: hmm?

Kookie: I don think Mina likes me...

Tae: why baby?

Kookie: last night, I heard her say she wants me gone...

Tae: I'll talk to her.

Jin came downstairs with Mina.

Jin: see you later Jin.

Jin: see ya.

Tae was about to get up when Jin stopped him.

Jin: I'll drop her off today.

Tae: you sure?

Jin: yeah. Spend time with your baby boy~

Tae rolled his eyes and Kookie blushed.

Jin: so, Mina, what do you think of Jungkook?

Mina: he's annoying. I want a mommy not another boy...

Jin: don't say such things. Your dad gave birth to you you know. He loves you. He loves who he loves. He just so happened to like guys. In all honesty, if he didn't like guys, you wouldn't exist.

Mina pouted. Jin sighed.

Jin: you think being gay is wrong?

Mina: yes!

Jin: how? I'm gay and your dad's gay.

Mina: well, it's just wrong.

Jin: you hate us for it? You hate me for it?

Mina: I hate daddy for being gay... I want a mommy just like the rest of the girls... His new boyfriend can't talk to me the way mom's can...

Jin: he can. I already do. Baby, listen, mom's are special but you can't get upset that Tae likes guys. Jungkook is a sweetie. He wants your trust. Tae also loves him dearly.

Mina: fine... I guess I'll give him a chance...

Jin: okay. Good.

Jin dropped her off to school. He went to work.

Lena: hi. Your usual guy is here.

Jin: of course he is.

Jin goes towards the changing room. He goes into his room. He entered inside.

Jin: hi again. You just can't seem to resist me~

Namjoon: nope~

Jin sits on his lap. They start to make out. Namjoon undresses himself and Jin does as well. A phone call interrupts the whole thing. Jin sighs. He was getting more and more into the mood. Not like he wasn't in it before.

Namjoon: fuck. Fine! I'm coming!

Jin: what's wrong?

Namjoon: I gotta fucking go!

Jin: call me!

Namjoon: my place tonight.

Jin: love you babe!

Namjoon: love you too!

They're dating. They can only meet in there becauss their is no windows and it's high security. Someone found out about them though. Someone did.

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