chapter two

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Jungkook was sleeping when he had a nightmare. It was about Evan. That he came back and took him away.

Evan: hi princess.

Jungkook: no... Get away from me!

Evan: you better fucking come with me or I'll kill you!

Jungkook: please! Leave me alone!

Evan grabbed Jungkook and started to take him towards the door. Jungkook heard someone calling his name.

Jungkook: huh?...

Tae: you okay Jungkook? You were talking in your sleep.

Jungkook sat up. Tae had food for him.

Jungkook: is that for me?

Tae: yes.

They sat down and they started to eat.

Tae: baby?

Jungkook: baby?

Jungkook started to blush. Jk wanted to take over.

Tae: hold on a sec. I gotta get something from my car.

Jungkook: okay.

Jungkook let Jk take over.

Jk: he's hot~ hmm~

Jungkook tied the back of his shirt to make it more cropped. He carefully fixed his hair. Tae then came back.

Tae: hi baby.

Jk: hi handsome~

Tae: I'm assuming you're Jk?

Jk: mhmm~

He wrapped his arms around Tae neck. He looked at him like he wanted Tae to fuck him.

Jk: let's enjoy ourselves today~

He started to slide his hand up Tae shirt. Tae stopped him.

Tae: careful.

He went to his ear.

Tae: lemme take you on a date first~

Jk felt chills go down his spine. Jk kissed Tae on the lips. Tae kissed him back.

Jk: mmm~

Jk's back was against the wall. Tae started to bite his neck.

Jk: ahh~

Tae: you like that?~

Jk: yes~

Tae: good. You're mine bunny~

Jk: wow... I just got dominated by a total daddy...

Tae: let's sit.

Jk sat close to Tae. He placed his legs on Tae lap. Tae caressed his thighs. Jk moaned at that. He laid on the bed. He rubbed Jk's belly.

Jk: Kookie likes it when you do that to him.

Tae: rub his belly?

Jk: Kookie is sweet. He's like an energetic puppy. He's so sweet and kind.

Tae: yeah?

Jk: yeah. He's really sweet.

Tae: good. Can I see him?

Jk: sure.

Tae caressed his face. Those galaxies in those wide eyes. Tae smiled fondly.

Kookie: hi dada.

Tae: dada?

Kookie: yesh!

Tae smiles. He lays besides Kookie. Tae rubs his belly.

Kookie: I wove belly rubs.

Tae: I know. I little bird told me you did.

Kookie: a birdie?! What did it look like?!

Tae: hmm. A very beautiful bird. It looked like you.

Kookie smiled brightly.

Kookie: yay!

Tae: mhmm~ how little are you baby?

Kookie: five!

He held up four. Tae smiled at him.

Tae: you're so adorable baby.

Kookie: thank you!

He kisses Tae on the lips. He then giggles.

Tae: what's so funny?~ hmm?~

He held Kookie close.

Kookie: I kissed your lips!

Tae: and I'm gonna kiss you all over!

He kissed his lips, eyes, nose, forehead, neck, chest, stomach, belly button, and all over his belly.

Kookie: daddy!

Tae: yes sugar?~

Kookie: why did you bite my belly button?

Tae: because, it's sweet just like you~

Kookie: otay daddy.

Tae laid on Kookies stomach. He caressed his lower belly with his thumb. Tae fell asleep with Kookie.

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